In the next video we will commemorate the 9th anniversary of the Japanese tsunami in 2011. The earthquake of 8.9 magnitudo at that time picked up the 40m high tsunami waves that devastated the east coast of Japan. What does Japan look like today, how does it deal with the consequences? Everything in the video. The video has a purely educational and informative character. It is not intended to shock and therefore does not depict explicit and specific shots of destruction. Illustrative accompanying pictures only.
Good video of a horrible event…
The soundtrack just plain sucks ass. Too loud.
The reactors at Fukushima survived the tsunami in their containment buildings, but the General Electric original design did not provide tsunami protection for the backup generators that run cooling pumps for the reactors when shut down, resulting in melt downs.
I have studied this one and the “boxing” day tsunami till I lose sleep. If you search YT their are a lot of good videos of both disasters
The Japanese are a classic definition of resilience. Like millions of those who witnessed this colossal event I was immeasurably overwhelmed. One question I kept asking myself was "Where do you start with the recovery?"
日本での用いられ方からアニバーサリーという単語は不適切のように感じるかも知れないけど、海外では命日もDEATH anniversaryと書かれるからこのタイトルに悪意は無いよ、と見に来た日本人向けにコメント置いとく
I always find myself thinking of Japan every March 11. I'm so happy that they are healing well.
This is a true work of art and a loving tribute to those who died and those left homeless. Sending blessings from America.
I found the music in this video very annoying so I muted it.
Yo viví en Japon hace tiempo y es uno e los paises mas asombrosos que he conocido, son un ejemplo en muchas cosas.
Shocking devastation! I hope it never happens again. ?
Over the years, I have watched almost every video on this tsunami and the Boxing Day tsunami of 2004 and it still makes my hairs stand up. The power, size and scale of devastation of these tsunamis is mind boggling and inconceivable. It’s things like this that make me wish I was Superman or Aquaman.
??Thanks for sharing, my thoughts, heart and prayers are always with all the people from Japan and around the world…will never forget…respect and love???!!!
I will never trust water again!!! All water especially the ocean!!!
I know it's only been 9 years and I know the dates of major events like these are usually commemorated in decades but this is one of those that has to be commemorated EVERY year.
4:47 – Wow, I didn't know the only 2 non-asian languages in those info boards were English and Portuguese!
Thank you for sharing.
First video I've seen that includes samples of the recovery. YES !
How very different the fortitude is of different cultures. Sorrow will never heal but optimism will dull the pain. Go Japan!
What about the nuke plants that went into meltdowns that is killing the planet. Nothing here
The ocean,is a beautiful mass murderer.
Very beautifully done. My prayers for those lost, and my respect for the strength of those who survived.
Obrigada pelo documentario de aniversario 9 anos do tsunami ! Muito triste e nao cansamos de nos emocionar com tragedia, mesmo estando no Japao na parte sul eh doloroso e lagrimas correm pelos nossos rostos!
Lo más triste del mundo.
Terrifying to watch, bless the people of Japan. May those who lost their lives RIP.
Thank you for the video. A GREAT comprehensive presentation!
Bravo, TOP Topics!!!
May every departed soul rest in peace who have lost their dear ones will always remember that horrible day and the rest of the world will go as usual
Thanks, great video. God bless.
Жуть! Вода! Стихия воды! Это_ всё! Пипец!
Beautiful tribute…Love to all those who lost dear ones…from Australia ❤
Thank you for this video, the editing is good.
Mis respeto al pueblo de Japón.. Q manera de sobreponerse a todo lo malo q les ha tocado vivir
Terribly done clickbait
The world will never forget what happened to Japan. Our hearts have been with you always. Love from America.