An unusually powerful storm has slammed into the Middle East, unleashing torrential rain, destructive winds and towering walls of dust.
An unusually powerful storm has slammed into the Middle East, unleashing torrential rain, destructive winds and towering walls of dust.
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The returning of the Melanin God to Kemet.
Repent the hard time is coming.read book of issaya,eskel.
Few days before the flood Egyptians and the rest of Middle Eastern nations threatened the Ethiopia because they are currently building a huge dam on the Nile to generate electricity and Egypt wasn't having it and therefore with the help of the Arab nations Egypt wanted to attack Ethiopia and made her intentions known publicly. I guess God foresaw their wicked plan to attack Ethiopians one of the oldest Christian nations on the planet and God retaliated with almighty storm and flood. This is just the beginning. God has warned as in Ezekiel 29:10 that he will dry the River Nile and cause Egypt famine for forty years and her people will disperse.
Thank you for the video!
A Dilettante Presumptuous Theorem: ROTHSCHILD USA – There's an Economic War going On using the Haarp Machine Weather.
The Rothschilds have always said “He who Owns the Bank Rules the Country. Can Iran Stop the ROTHSCHILD USA? There is an Economic War going on. This is about ROTHSCHILD getting his CENTRAL BANKING SYSTEM everywhere. Putin paid off ROTHSCHILD and removed him from Russia. Putin invaded a couple of other countries to prevent ROTHSCHILD from becoming the central banking system there. But the news media (owned by Rothschild) tells you Russia is invading. There are only 3 countries (Cuba, North Korea, Iran) that ROTHSCHILD does not have his central banking system. Some researchers are pointing out that Iran is one of only three countries left in the world whose central bank is not under Rothschild control. Islam forbids the charging of interest, a major problem for the Rothschild banking system. Until a few hundred years ago, charging interest was also forbidden in the Christian world and was even punishable by death. It was considered exploitation and enslavement. Once Rothschild is in every country with the governments in great debt to him, he will Demand every Loan be paid in full from every country and take over the flat earth. Jacob Rothschild will proclaim himself KING over the flat earth. In ROTHSCHILD’S mind everyone will be considered a SLAVE. Every time you hear on the news remember to say it like this "ROTHSCHILD USA" or “ROTHSCHILD CANADA” and you will be enlightened. Yes, ROTHSCHILD own the CENTRAL BANKING SYSTEM of CANADA. Every country ROTHSCHILD is in must take back their Mint plus their CENTRAL BANKING SYSTEM and order ROTHSCHILD to GET OUT! (in the Name of GOD, Amen!) In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned or controlled Central Bank: 1. Afghanistan 2. Iraq 3. Sudan 4. Libya 5. Cuba 6. North Korea 7. Iran. The only countries left in 2003 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family were: 1. Sudan 2. Libya 3. Cuba 4. North Korea 5. Iran. The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family are: 1. Cuba 2. North Korea 3. Iran
This is all about Jacob Rothschild's Economic War
Jacob Rothschild is the Antichrist!
List of all the Federal Banks owned by Jacob Rothschild (Family)