This dog was found abandoned in front of a hotel, in a mountain pass in Northern Romania. With temperatures dropping to minus 20°C (-4°F), Indy slept outside. And when there was a bit of sun, she would curl up on the snow and just sleep there. The owner of the hotel kept chasing her away, fearing that she would scare the tourists and he instructed his employees to not give her any food. Luckily, one of the tourists saw her and he then contacted us at @Howl Of A Dog . Not only was he determined to not leave the resort until he had found a solution to save Indy, but he bought a crate and warm blanket to keep her warm during the cold nights, fed her every day and, in the end, after he got in touch with us, he traveled more than 500 km to bring her into our care.
If you have a loving home for Indy and want to help her complete her journey to a happy life, please note that we also facilitate international adoptions to the USA, Canada and European countries.
For more details about Indy’s adoption please visit: https://www.howlofadog.org/indy
If you would like to support our animal rescue organization please visit: https://www.howlofadog.org/make-a-don…
Website: https://www.howlofadog.org/
Donate: https://www.howlofadog.org/make-a-don…
Email: contact@howlofadog.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HowlOfADog
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HowlOfADog
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howlofadog
#HowlOfADog #DogRescue #AnimalRescue
Howl Of A Dog is a small nonprofit animal rescue organization located in Romania. Our commitment is to rescue abandoned, neglected and abused dogs from the streets or from overcrowded public shelters and to find them suitable loving forever homes.
HOWL OF A DOG organization
Registration Number 33570458
And people sau that romanians are heartless
Please someone adopt this lovely dog. She needs to be loved and cared for!❤️
Oh thank you so much! I am so filled with joyful tears! She needed angels like you!{{?????
Thank you for save and give love to this beautiful friend , people same to you need this world! from Mexico all my respect and admiration!
I would never let an abandoned dog go by without me bringing it I love dogs. I love a lot of animals we had an earthquake and a tornado on the same day many years back but a lot of pets where blown away some found there way back home others didn't any way there was a duck at my fishing spot it would come right up to me I thought what a friendly duck. One time we were down there fishing the duck went after the worm on a hook and I thought I got a hook in it so I scooped him up that's when I suspected he was a pet. So I brought it to a local pet centre for a checkup just in case. They called me with an update and said that he was a tame duck and he was begging for food from us because thats what he knows and had I not rescued him he would have died when winter arrived. I do that for a duck so I sure wouldn't let a dog stay out in the cold. I wish I could afford to bring one of your dogs to me but the cost is far too great.
Thank You?
What a beautiful baby, hopefully the hotel will begin to lose business. Ignorant SOB
Please,sent us a lot of updates about this lovely canine
Maybe the hotel manager will lose his job and end up homeless on the street.
Ill take her, its the 20th of March,2020 just hold her til the US travel ban is lifted…
My best wishes and only good vibes to the nice tourist who was a miracle worker and a guardian angel for this innocent adorable dog. Same for the staff of howl of a dog. I truly hope with all my heart that Indy finds a very loving home. Thank you
can you give me my dog back?
Bless that tourists heart ❤️
Beautiful dog ?????
What a beautiful dog. Thanks to the tourist who saved her.
How can people be so disgusting? How does anyone just dump a pet that has come to trust and rely on them? Thank goodness for the tourist because I woukd have done the exact same Thing! ??
We humans don’t deserve dogs. We are fortunate they love us anyway.
Omg what a beautiful dog she is!!!
Super gestul /se vede ca iubiti foarte mult animalele .intr-o lume nebuna ,ma exista si oameni cu inima si vointa de a ajuta
I got my dog a similar way
This is a mountaineering dog, cold is what makes them happy. I know plenty in Suceava, Parang, Brasov
Translate that into life in ANY-body that have to suffer.
Not just dogs deserves a decent life.
(Thread locked). Not fishing for comments, but comment at your own risk. I should as well be able to answer. Or NOT.
Anything else is unfair. Internet….
I would love for her to live with me and my baby girl she's would have a older sister, but I love in an apartment with a lot of stupid rules in the county when it comes to dogs and weight.
How could anyone dislike this video?