We love what we do! Our work can be dangerous, unpredictable, but we do it for the love of animals. We almost made it to our fundraising goal for 2019 – will you please join us? There are just a few hours left until the end of this YouTube campaign.
Lilac was scared of humans and she needed help. JoAnn Wiltz and Katie McKittrick got the call for this one, and they headed out. JoAnn is the veteran here and Katie just joined our team, and together they managed to accomplish this rescue successfully.
At the hospital, they learned that Lilac was injured (it looks like she was shot by a pellet gun), she had many embedded foxtails that caused an abscess (you will see the staples on the side of her body in the X-Ray). The worst injury was to her spirit… she was so sad, she didn’t want anyone to touch her, and we knew that the next step is training with someone who can help her come out of her shell.
Our friend and trainer, Farren Mahone, turned around many dogs for us, and we knew she was the one who will accomplish this job successfully: https://www.facebook.com/BoardNBehave/
I don’t want to tell you how it looks when it’s all over because it will take away all the fun and joy!
Please watch, share, like, subscribe, and donate if you can so we can open 2020 with many more rescues.
Thank you so much,
Poor dog
I felt so bad that people used her as a target to shoot….thats just evil…it broke my heart to see her facing a corner of the wall….that says a lot……Lilac is so beautiful. I'm happy she found her a great loving family and that she is opening her heart to people who treats her kind.
I'd love to put a couple bullets in the ahole that shot her. Poor thing
What do you thing
The dude works the best. The ladies were too abrupt in catching the dog.
I was so scared she was going to attack you guys, omg.
Why didn’t she run when they took the collar off?
My heart actually ached seeing her react like that and put her face in the corner so strongly, and that some sick POS would shoot a beautiful girl like that and take away her trust and connection with humans … I don't believe people who can do that deserve to live. And if it was some stupid kids, that doesn't change anything. Kids know what is right and wrong, and to hurt an animal like that, they have to be really demented. What a beautiful girl she is. Seeing her smile again is really something special, thank you for loving her and teaching her it's ok to love again.
Such a beautiful dog. What breed please? Thank you for showing the medical, I never even knew thorns and foxtails get stuck like that , lucky girl it was you who rescued her
Who would abandon a red husky are you serious?
I am already a subcriber 🙂 : 91%
I will subscribe now! : 8%
91+8= 99. What???
These intros are getting more elaborate each vid lol
Who here for the dodo
Its ridiculous and terrible to know that she got shot; those people are just living rocks they dont deserve such life ??
She is just so beautiful ? how can anyone hurt that precious girl ?breaks my heart just wanna give her a big ol’ hug ????
The dog at the end had a completely different fur color. Seemed like another dog.
Beautiful side of world ?
Why animals rescue , protection officers don't prevent slaughter house?,
How did she get dark brown fur after starting with orange fur?
the way she stares into the corner just kills me. who could shoot her? i wish i could help every animal who is abused.
What a GREAT new mom she got!??
Did she finish her burger
I hope the person that shot the dog with a pellet gun rots in hell
Whoever shot this beautiful dog with that pellet gun needs to be target practice.
Some kids are gonna find out whats a Gulag like
3:40 I thought was a bit dangerous picking the dog up like that.
Omg, i d loce give all of my loce to this quity!!! So shy & so terrified :'/