Nickelodeon: (song) https://www.youtube.com/user/nickelodeonoffiziell
#neardeathcomplication #luckyday #Thebestdayever #roadto10000
I put spongebob’s the best day ever over a near death complication.
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that guy sliding down the mountain with the snowmobile tumbling around him was straight out of COD or some shit
Can somebody please explain why that guy got so close to the ship
If you don’t know how to operate a vehicle right, don’t drive it. Idk why the guy driving the jet ski even got close to the ship
“Window and I look around”
How original
I’ve listened to this song in so many bad situations that I get a bad feeling when I listen to it.
0:23 the shark jumped out the bed doe?
I watched alot of these videos and now this song freaks me out.
The first one is basically a jaws reenactment.
Like if you have seen Jaws! ?
1:40 looks like the dropper irl
1:40 the speed of the kids running out of school be like
3:47 you spin me right round baby right round…
I said it before i will say it again. If i survived being 2 inches away from a great white in an enclosed space, i would buy a fucking lottery ticket.
Not the Best but the luckiest
2:38 imagine if the guy fall into the water and a shark just passing by right before his eyes
T h a n k y o u
1:25 nice cut lmao
Emo kids: legit singing along
A quarter of each video is a clip you just used in the video before
Do the Kobe Bryant
If you're bored like me (Corona Time duh) Also try this at 0,5 speed or even slower XD
Now it's just creepy and weird thanks to the distortion
1:11 he touched the cables
I don’t know why but I’m always getting these in my recommendations.. can anyone help fixing this problem?
Meddl loide
Dude you put the shark in the cage clip in 5 already getting lazy
0:55 fun fact : they were 2.