Rescue Poor Dog was Hit by Train Cut Off 2 Legs Blooding 3 Days without any Help
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Train cut dogs leg, and injured other one…he was lien by the road for three days. Woman asked for help on all sides but…. URGENTLY we are going to see veterinarian..we hope that it is not to late ( bood poisoning, lost of blood) your help is more then WELCOME in this case and necessary…
Courtesy: Fahrudin Caki Bravo: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006720378209
Please Donate: Paypal: aronmajkica@gmail.com
More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Animal Aid Unlimited, India: https://www.youtube.com/user/AnimalAidUnlimited
Help more Animal click here: https://bit.ly/2V6WWre
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Thank you for watching!
#animalrescue, #dogrescue, #rescuepuppy
Qué poca madre tiene ésa gente de lastimar al perrito son chacales y mostros ???? pero todo sépaga en está vida espero que lo pagué pronto recuerden el karma seregresa gracias por ayudar al perrito que Dios los bendiga
Thank you for the kindness to take the dog God bless you all
Bless him.. poor dog. Thank you for rescuing him ?
Thanks Guys for saving dog and Guys your work is really important and beautiful?????????❤️❤️❤️??????
thanks for helping these little angels God bless you
Can that dog be saved,,, the one that got hit by a train ??? Please let the people know . Thank you for taking care of that baby.bless you and yourteam
Can you put saft blankets under neat while he sleeping please he been throw lot ??
I wish this disease clean the world of these cockroach so the animals the birds live in peace ??
This is hapoened by third world country by white hole people with No love ❤No compassion?? No heart ❤ wild animals for face of this earth ?wish they die painfully he who ever did this evils crimes ??
Thank you rescuers again and again fro saving Mr.Kenzi. He is being funny showing his teeth, maybe he wanted to try say "thank you" to his saviors. Anyway, rescuers you are his angels.
Рычалка Спасибо люди!!!
9 disliker are ? train driver ???
Oh my God…what a pity…..pleasee help this poor dog….take care please….thank you so much…God will bless what you done
Thanks God bless you, hope he makes a good recovery ?
May you people lead every happy life whose is to help the helpless
thank you for saving him
Angelito lindo ??vídeo 2 ❤️?
Thank you dear a lot
What kind of rescue is that? The dog is becoming more stressed out and they didn't even show his transformation.
Pauvres petit triste Les humains sont des criminels aide les aimes les sauver les soigner les ils sont vivants ils ont mal ils ont besoin de nous ils sont tous amour e magnifiques adorable merci de les sauver merci de les soigner merci
Thank you for being so gentle and kind to him. Somehow I don't think he isvangry with you at all even though he still growls.
Poor little fellow. He is so traumatized he growls.
Thank you for feeding him and talking to him.
He likes you and the way you are speaking to him. He will give up his complaints soon.
Feed him give him a bath see vet and find him a new home. God bless him and you all too.
Thank you so much for helping this sad little dog dying without human help. God bless you every one.
I want to know. he is fine .Can you updated his condition? Thanks
Poor dog! I'd like to know what the guy was saying & laughing about??
Please dog bit him …for being a turkey ….why torment doggy ?
Конечно ему страшно сначало был в шоке от боли. Ничего все придёт в норму. Собачка красивая. Это он от боли плачет. Жалуется. Спасибо огромное.
Какой ужас собачка в шоке такое пережить. А сколько боли страшно подумать. Господи как хорошо что вы её нашли. Вас прям Бог послал спасибо. Без слез невозможно смотреть.
The top of the grate can be unscrewed. This helps to place the pet in safely.
Get well soon Kenji
Awww that poor dog on there to,How heartbreaking is that to and sad for that poor dog on there
L.homme de ces vidéos a l’air d’un vrai débile mental. D’un idiot
Poor baby i hope that person it's going to become what he gived
Ok..as a dog trainer…YOU ARE MAKING IT WORSE by comfronting him while his teeth are showing!..my goodness!..he cannot show you anymore that he DOES NOT want you to touch..!!
1. DO NOT make eye contact!
2. Give it space!
3. QUIT stressing this poor dog more than be/she needs to be!
It's NOT funny at all!
Poor precious he's so frightened…hopefully not in pain anymore
He didn’t deserve that, poor doggy ??. Thank you for saving his life. I hope his life is filled with happiness and joy from now and forever ❤️???
God bless you ????❤❤?????
Thank Y☺u For Video Post,Youal are Patriots of Very Best ☺f Humanity
God bless you guys for saving him
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