Suicide. The After-Death Fate

Spread The Viralist

Conversation with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov.

A shocking programme revealing the truth about suicides, death, and transitional states. Eyewitnesses’ stories. Autocide. Why do innocent children, teenagers, and mentally healthy people who did not even think about committing suicide, die? For what reasons do people not notice information substitutions and destructive implantations in their consciousness? Who benefits from popularizing in the world destructive films, songs, books, youth subcultures, suicidal cartoons, quests, and computer games?

Subpersonality. Experience and knowledge of mankind about the after-death fate, about the deceased’s stay in the state of subpersonality. Why mustn’t we communicate with the dead, but we should let them go? Why do the deceased relatives come in our sleep? How can we help them while keeping ourselves safe? Stories of eyewitnesses who have experienced the state of subpersonality, clinical death, parting with deceased relatives. The truth about hungry spirits and the world of the dead. Kanduks, lemboys, klokhtuns, iznyls. Methods of their influence on people and their hunting grounds.

How to gain Life? How not to succumb to the provocations of your consciousness and to protect yourself, your loved ones, relatives and friends from invisible influence? Why it is necessary to work on yourself and spiritually improve yourself.

Informed is forewarned!

The “Ezoosmos” book by Anastasia Novykh

Videos with I.M.Danilov



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About the Author: AllatRa TV English


  1. "Suicide is another thing that’s so frowned upon in this society, but honestly, life isn’t for everybody. It really isn’t. It’s sad when kids kill themselves ’cause they didn’t really give it a chance, but life is like a movie: if you’ve sat through more than half of it and it sucked every second so far, it probably isn’t gonna get great right at the very end for you and make it all worthwhile. No one should blame you for walking out early. "– Doug Stanhope

  2. We cant ignore the reality. To be informed, to know how the system (devil) works is essential, so we can chose life instead dead. Tanks for the program, for the knowledge. Will be possible that allatra share the Suffi Allahyar treatise "on eternity " please? Thanks and the peace be with you.

  3. The information in this video is very important. Answers many questions about what happens after death and what is the cause of most suicides. Thank you very much. I have read the "AllatRa" book and this video gives much broader information about subpersonalities. This video is a great reminder that work on myself is crucial.

  4. Amazing unique information… all there traditions and rituals are becoming so easy to understand. After such exploration the wish to Live and be alive is stronger than ever. Thank you!!

  5. I will be honest this program is very psychologically hard to listen and to watch all at once, but it's that truth that everyone should be aware and the truth that I have to remind myself constantly!

  6. Hello! I'd really appreciate you to answer this.

    I've read more than the half of the AllatRa book, watched many videos from here and a bit of Sensei I and a question I've been waiting for an answer is: if at the moment that a personality connects itself with the soul and becomes free from this material world of six dimensions, and the previous and "accumulated" sub-personalities are annihilated (just as Rigden said in the book), why aren't they destroyed just after the death, but condemned to stand, let's say, behind, the next personalities lives? Anyway, some day they'll be destroyed even at the level of the information blocks of the ezoosmos (as said in the book). So, I don't get the point of having to "suffer" all of that in the material life and in the afterdeath if by the end, the personalities will cease to exist at every level. What is it that I'm not seeing there or the misconception of the words in the book I'm having?

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