Title: Unusual Monkey Sarah-Monkey Sarah acts as she is the queen in the group stopping her friend fighting
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Sarah is saying: 'I'm bored, what a sorry group'! ?????
Sarah, thy name is Boredom.
At 0:35, looked like she was going to take the little one on a 'discipline' drag, she grabbed it's tail & was getting ready to drag it but the mom grabbed baby, holding on to it so she couldn't.
Bebie Monkey – thank you for this continual series of “unusual monkey Sarah!” – It’s one of the videos I look forward to several times per day! Sarah has by far one of the most unique personalities I’ve ever witnessed in a macaque. For as long as she nursed like a baby, it’s now funny to see her have this swagger of confidence like she is in charge! Then something silly grabs her attention (what a limited attention span it is!) and she’s off acting like a bored juvenile. I simply can’t wait for Momma Sara to give birth (is it me or does it seem like she’s been preggers FOREVER?!) It will be so interesting to see how Sarah interacts with her new sibling, especially when she sees he/she gets the milk bar on demand! Come on momma Sara…pop already!