Today I talk a bit about my current situation and I play some banger games against RLCS players! I hope you guys enjoy 🙂
——————– S O C I A L S ——————–
Follow me on Twitch here: https://www.twitch.tv/scrub
Follow me on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/ScrubKillaRL
Follow me on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/ScrubKillaRL
Join my Discord: https://www.discord.gg/scrub
——————– A B O U T M E ——————–
I’m Scrub, 16 years old, born and raised in Scotland. I am a professional Rocket League player.
——————– S E T T I N G S ——————–
*For the most recent settings check the most recent video*
FOV: 110
Distance: 270
Height: 100
Angle: -4
Stiffness: 0.70
Swivel speed: 7.00
Transition speed: 1.20
Controller Deadzone: 0.05
Dodge Deadzone: 0.50
Steering Sensitivity: 1.60
Aerial Sensitivity: 1.60
——————– S U P P O R T ——————–
You can support me in several ways.
Support me by staying awesome!
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Support me by donating: https://streamlabs.com/scrub
#RoadToRank1in1v1 #Sub2Scrub
Due to Corona YouTube is ramping down bandwidth in the EU. This also means the processing of new videos will be slower. I'd advise you guys to wait until this video is available in 1080p. I do not know how long it will remain 360p, I hope it is resolved soon. For more info look at this YouTube support page: https://g.co/yt-covid19
Subscribed. I watch a lot of RL content, but I enjoy yours most bro. Stay safe
when scrub actually starts trying he’s insane ?
Scrub every time u play flakes you turn off the aggression and play way less confident! Keep your mindset is all
Scrub needs to hit 100 k soon!!!
Dislike for clickbait. "More info on the situation" is that you don't have any more info on the situation to give as if now. Great. Could've been a tweet, or frankly nothing at all because nobody cares. You've ruined your opportunities completely. You've got a lot of growing to do.
Can’t wait to see that new cam
Bruh, you do whatever you feel like. TBH you deserved better mates.
Love how he compliments himself ?
Clickbait? Wheres the "more info"?
Scrub chiillllllllllllllllllllllllll with the ads. I wanna support you but damn
Nice videos dude, still love them. Keep it up bro, hope everything is going well and good for you Scrub. Hope you can find a team as fast as possible!
flakes is to good at 1v1
musik a little bit louder would be cool
Ayo I love how as a YouTuber you don’t make this whole dramatic video explaining everything. I appreciate how you play the game and at the same time explain the whole situation. Keep up the great work Scrub!
More info ? Where ?
Why did he leave Mousesports?
Skrub the typa guy to wear a pole for YouTube during quarantine and button it all the way up
"It's possible, it's possible"
Looks at time left in video
It's not possible boys.
Finally scrub’s facecam is up to par with the gameplay vid
Keep it up loving the uploads
why is it in 360p??
Scrub, these plays remind me of you against Fairy Peak, you’re back man ?
Wait wheres the "more info" stuff at? lol
What happened to your alpha boost?
You had a real one last season didnt you?
WTF!? I just can see the video in 360 xD
scrub you literally uploaded this in 360p bro
So the more info you have for us Is that you can’t give us any more info, great. Just don’t mention the situation at all and stick to your normal content.
does not give more info on the situation
us: "did we get baited?"
Video is 360 p lmao
360 p btw
loving the music
Congratulations for 69k subscribers ?
Anyone else think Scrub sounds like Lethamyr when he messes up lately (the horse sound he does with his lips)?
Haha I think Scrub has mad unspoken respect for Leth even though he always talked smack on Leth when they did videos on Leths's channel while Scrub was still on Mouze
You're killing me smalls unbutton that that top button
Scrubs the type of guy to button the top button
Can literally see the pixels on my screen ?
its 360p bud
Still 360p. Really unwatchable, hurts my eyes.
, @scrub I love these 1v1’s I learn a lot from them and they’re really entertaining! Keep up the grind man
Dude, you're absolutely on ?