Little puppy's face doubled in size from infection, rescued.

Little puppy's face doubled in size from infection, rescued.
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Poor little one. Fluid had collected in the tissue around his cheeks and jaws, giving this sweet boy a big balloon face from an infected wound on his forehead. His blood-encrusted face was in so much pain that even enduring the wound cleaning was hard for him, but he was brave and so strong that within 5 days he was ready to go home to his mother and siblings, cheerful, bouncing and already beloved by everyone who met him. Fare thee well wee Timothy! For little guys with big problems, please donate:


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About the Author: Animal Aid Unlimited, India


  1. Ustedes son muy buenos no permitamos q' les peguen Ellos no pidieron venir a este mundo, pidamos castigo ejemplar para los maltratadores un Abrazo Dios los Bendiga..

  2. 살아있는 생명은 다 소중하며 존귀하다 착한 일 하는 사람은 선한 과보가 날로 증가하여 구하는 것이 뜻대로 이루어질 것이다 동물 생산 공장과 도살장 투기를 폐쇄해라 아이들의 고통을 해결하는 것이다 여러분이 진정한 천사다

  3. Thank u so much ❤️please everyone whoever read my comment its my humble request to you please try to feed your area stray animals please please whatever you have please because of lockdown animals are also suffering please please ??❤️

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