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Modesto, CA 95350
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♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡FAN FAV VIDEOS♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
→ Surprising Lilia w/ Taylor Swift: https://bit.ly/2IItp16
→ Disneyland Vlogs: http://bit.ly/disneyvlogs
→ Hawaii Family Vlogs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUiVlfLOwYs&t=1s
→ 24 Hours Day in our Life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iItLrLr78A
My name is Jess! I had a daughter (Lilia) at age 18 w/ my high school sweetheart. We mutually split up & co-parent to this day. I met someone new, got married, had twin boys (Kyson & Kaden) and another son (Landen). He cheated, we split ways, & he’s not around much. After juggling life as a single mom of 4 for some time, I met Chris, he had 2 sons: Caden and Tommy, who eventually became my step sons. After Chris and I got married, we had our 7th child together, Addelyn. We’re one big, complicated, blended family & every second of our story is on YouTube, you can start from the beginning here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz91Pnzp6tg
FAQ: Yes, we’re done having kids.
FAQ: Names and ages of the kids: Caden (step son, born in 2009), Lilia (daughter, born in 2010), Tommy (step son, born in 2010), Kyson (son, born in 2012), Kaden (son, born in 2012), Landen (son, born in 2014), Addelyn (daughter, born in 2016)
FAQ: Who are the dads? Gabe (Lilia’s dad), Drake (Kyson, Kaden, and Landen bio dad), Chris (Caden, Tommy, Addelyn’s dad)
Addie is going through a rough time at home with her siblings. She keeps getting hurt.
I find it so weird that Kaden is called Little Kaden even when Chris's two kids are not there
Man I would go crazy if I had to home school more than a couple of kids lol
Mimi: $600 for a tooth? Wait I think I need to lose a tooth ?
"I'll do one thing for you" HAHAHAHA
It’s so crazy how Caden and landen look more like twins than Caden and kyson do.
**allergy and asthma club ??but everyone thinks it’s the corona every time I sneeze or ? cough. ???♀️
I'm so excited the comments are back
For Addys eye you could wet a make up remover pad and stick it in the freezer n stick it on her eye,that will help with the swelling n the colouring.
My boys get $1-$5 depending on the tooth but they are 11 & 14.
We put out teeth in a glass of water n put it on the bench near the kitchen sink
My husband was the same with allergies the other day. But as far as I know covid19 doesn't have sinus symptoms
Wow,I am 49 years old with alot of disabilities and I am blessed to have a beautiful 11 year old .I wish I could be as good as a mom and provider as you are especially with the kids being off school .I also have a great husband who still is working ,but I just want you to know that you are one CLASSY lady,mom wife and person .Much love, and we bought cookies from your daughter. Thanks for all your videos .Renee Zeek Harrusburg pa.
Aww addies little accent when she says it was an accident tho. Soo cute!
When the first thing your kids think about is to pick up the camera to film their life changing event… you know they are YouTube kids ♥️
Hey Jess I saw a post going around & just wanted to share it with you & others, just some food for thought: "Folks, I've got about 20 years in education & I'm a school principal. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for parents to NOT attempt to replicate the school environment, daily routine, or curriculum instruction at home. Don't make up worksheets or download a curriculum guide to follow at home. Don't set recess breaks & don't reconfigure your house to include a classroom area! You are NOT BEING ASKED to Homeschool your kids. We are at day 2 of a System Shutdown… your kids are probably still digesting the fact that they may not get to see their friends & teachers for the foreseable future, not to mention we are in the middle of a global health crisis. Little Suzie is not in any position to learn a new math concept today. Modern education isn't what we experienced as kids. The best thing you can do (& the closest to their education reality) is to do things with them. Play a board game. Do the dishes & sing a song. Have them help you to do the laundry, bake cookies, DANCE in the kitchen. Go sliding, have a boil-up in the yard, & have them shovel the driveway. Also, give them alone time, screen time, & ask them to tell you a story. Be with them & show them that everything will be okay. You are their parents & family members, NOT their teachers. Whatever happens, we will make sure your child has the tools needed to succeed in school when the time comes. For now, be a family."
I noticed your mom had on a Revelstoke, BC t-shirt. That's in my Province, has she been there before?
But why does all the grown ups hang out in the little boys room
Addie has like a British accent soo cute
Addie is so cute
Go Mimi! She brought the standards, tbe materials, the whole shebang!
Why can’t they eat the same lunch?
Honestly watching the video of addy be knocked out was kinda I mean super funny! Poor baby tho
Mom? How do you control this thing? ???
You made 5 different lunches? Lol
Lilia is such a brat
I just lost the same tooth 5 days ago and the tooth fairy has still not come
Remember Chris said he would do a draw my life if you reach a million
Oh my god your house is always so messy?
Your kids and loose teeth!! ? my daughter is going to be 10 and only lost 8 so far!
OMG THE KIDS VLOGGING YES!!! My dream come true, these kiddos are adorable ? ?
Omg his tooth lol
Comments are back!!!!
God has blessed us with COMMENTS!!
Is addy hair red?
You must love your kids but it is probably so hard to take care of all of them
poor addie???…………………????
Poor girl I hope addy is okay
Are you still using the new camera? I haven’t seen you or the kids look to the side in a while ?
Stay safe y'all
Hi jess & fam I love your channel
You have comments!!!!!!!
I am so surprised the comments are still on!! Omg!! Hi Jess! Lol
What the comments are still on yeah boy …
Poor Addie!! I hope she feels better. ? also, make sure to stay safe during the pandemic!
I love when the kids vlog!!!
I want you to know that this is the most overly dramatic and bratty channel I have literally ever watched and I have been on YouTube for 5 years
Im sorry if this is rude its not ment but "f**k that" home schooling that may kids looks crazy!! Thank god i only have one hats off to you mama!! I could not id be rocking with wine somewhere
The comments are back??? Woaaaaaaah.
Do you have a code for the kiwi co boxes?