Rescue Homeless Dog Was Shot Make Lying Motionless In The Cold Snow
Subscribe to STRAY PAWS Channel: https://bit.ly/2mtRpL7
This miserable dog is lying on the side of the road with terrible cuts.
Her mouth, thigh, and leg were terribly injured.
Blood is flowing a lot …
She doesn’t know where to go …
She needs to be taken to the clinic for treatment.
His mouth has been stitched, however, his legs have to be screwed because of a broken thigh bone.
Currently, she has passed the crisis. Health is gradually stabilizing.
Today, the first day after surgery, she was walking, even down the stairs by herself.
She was adopted by a nice guy in Canada.
She is starting a new happy life.
We rejoice and bless her.
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More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Help more Animal click here: https://bit.ly/2V6WWre
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#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
Video sad dog bite and a large wound on the back
So sad !!! Thank you for rescuing this dog wish the dog a speedy recovery
I wish i was there, i would have put my leg that mofo's ass!
now humans have corona
Glad she made it and got adopted. Hope the guy who beat her catches the Corona virus and dies of pneumonia.
Please tell your police to take serious action against these cruel people. They also feel pain. By acting so cruel, they want to prove that he is a hero. Bloody bastard God curse n you . Thanks guys for saving him. ???
It’s so hurtful to see the innocent brutally beaten.. Thank u guys for saving her God bless u all & plz keep up the the good job ??
Give me a baseball bat and 5 minutes with the brute that did this.
Beautiful happy dog just wants to be alive like the rest of us whomever did this needs to be taught some respect without kind people like these people are weak people do things like this hes beautiful thank you for caring unlike alot of people thank you all lives matter
Thank you Stray Paws and thank you nice guy from Canada!!
God Bless the New Owners & the Dog Amen
God Bless the Dog Rescuers & the Doctors Poor Dog so saddened
Oh my God, my heart hurts to see beautiful ? suffering????. The man who tortured her needs to be punish by law. Thank you for loving her dearly.
God Bless you because you saved the angel some humans makes me sick deserve the same treatment and go to hell
Any monster that beats a pet or any animal like this deserve twice as much.
Жизнь так жестоко что ли , почему животные страдает от человеческих рук они такие умные,спасибо спасателям
Here in the US we call these people criminals. We prosecuted them and put them in jail.
Glad to see that this sweet little pup recovered and found a really good forever home with a good person. Thanks to all that helped change her life!!!
A lot of cruel people in this world. Not only on the outside but in animal testing research. Humans are the worst. But I have to say if we had more people who would rescue than harm we would live in a better world. Compassion is what this world needs and I see that here. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMPASSION WITH THE ANIMALS!!!
Tadinho meu Deus até quando a humanidade estará cruel ?? ????????
She is so beautiful ???
Happy ending of suffering
Mercy on this poor baby ???
All the hate you have, it comes back to you, poor dog??
You people are God
Way to show him who is boss.hope he gets jail time……
Then show a picture of this man who you say did this damage to this creature, if the story is true, shame him, show his picture!
so sad
Poor baby! Thank you for saving him. I pray he has a great life.God bless him.
Karma is real. They will answer for what they have done. One day.
thank you!! thank you!!!
What was the name of that movie?????
All Dogs Go To Heaven
Que o demônio que fez isto com este ser indefeso, tenha uma morte lenta e muito dolorosa, que lembre todos os dias da maldade praticada, que não se esqueça nem por um momento, que isto seja o seu tormento.
Great looking dog. Hope the evil bastard dies alone and in pain
So glad she was saved and she has such a loving heart and now a very loving dad
Omg ? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????

There is a special place in hell for this fucking monster….long live pure soul.
Give them the same treatment
?what a beautiful girl?
That 3rd world country should be called "HELL"!!!
They should grab the man who beat her, and beat the hell out of him.
We need a lot more serious virus than the corona. And have no doubt it will come. Because we keep ignoring the focking massage . Human species don’t deserve the planet earth, continuously keeps disrespecting it. If we did respect the nature then there wouldn’t be any low life, evil to do this , because they would have been dead already. Nope, no way out of this, the nature will fock all of us in the ass soon. But when it does, don’t dare asking god why us. ??
Can I best the shit out of this man
So you know it's a man. You know who did this. Has anything happened to that evil person? If not, why?
The human TRASH that did this needs to be beaten to within an inch of his life
thanks for saving and take care of them with so much patience ????????? beautiful dog ?