Here are 5 more shocking natural disasters that were caught on camera!
This is Part 4 of our ‘shocking natural disaster’ series. Here are the other 4 parts!
Part 1: https://youtu.be/grmqQO9mOcc
Part 2: https://youtu.be/X75yzJIZzds
Part 3: https://youtu.be/5IgkGPKbRB8
MICROPHONE; https://amzn.to/2P27Kzf
LAPTOP; https://amzn.to/2FQgk4P
EDITING; https://amzn.to/2SbbgZX
MOUSE; https://amzn.to/2SapqKO
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► Music Used; Incomptech.com
Underworld is creating the best new educational videos about the lesser known stories from around the world. We post Top 5’s, Top 10’s, Caught on Camera and much more! Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to never miss an upload!
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If there is "Shocking" or " Must Watch" in the title and there is nothing special about it means an automatic thumbs down, …(stolen videos with wrong narrative)
Huge snow storms that are forming in the upper Midwest of the USA. Where it can be really warm if not hot ? In the morning to become a blizzard in the afternoon. It happened in the 1940’s where it was really warm in the morning and they went hunting to really cold ? and many hunters lost their lives. Could you find this for the world to see? It really doesn’t make any difference where it happens. TY.
id tictock it and die XD
time to fire the editor and writer and to tell the narrator to look at what's on the screen once in a while
The mesocyclone is just on the ground pretty much. This happens with really strong supercells – the mesocyclone is an area between 2-6 miles in diameter. This is the area that a tornado will develop.
That was super confusing on the last one. 2010 Yazoo City was a tornado and was not in connected to any storm in the mid-west. The boy scouts were killed in a 2008 tornado in Iowa. Both of these were confirmed tornadoes. This mesocyclone is nether of these events. All the damage in the video was from Yazoo City. Even says in the video it emerged in 2008…before the Yazoo City tornado. There was a tornado in Yazoo City in 2008 but was an EF1 and caused only minor damage so thats not it. I think your jumbling several events together to make content and its gross. Its just not factual and its obvious.
everything goes in the hole – when it's obvious you need to go on a diet.
except that the earth has no axis. It is fixed on pillars that cannot be moved. Earth quakes are the result of the shaking of those pillars. The earth does not move.
Nature is always powerful no matter where you are.
Thanks for a good ✌ video. I was hoping to see the Guatemala volcanic eruption not so long ago where the fast flowing lava engulfed a village taking quite a bit of lives. Can you do that?
The earthquake video in #2 took place in Sendai. That is the place with Intensity IX so you get to see the place that was shook the strongest by the earthquake.
The biggest volcanic explosion
This is a very informative video and an important one too, thank you for sharing! We have just released a Nature & Climate documentary too, keep up the love and fight for nature!! Subscribed!
Underworld: "10 people lost their lives"
News Report: 9 people lost their lives
Nice video
the sinkholes that are happening more and more are from the governments building all these bunkers for the elite 20 to 30 ft underground in case of a nuclear war , they survive we all die. its happening in all countries more and more , research how many bunkers , underground the goverments are building. you will see the truth.
You da best i liked and subed and turned on notificains
Needs 400 more ads in 5 min video
Im- ? scarry very scarry
Wow thats scary
I'm am 2 nd grade man
I'm 2nd
I am first