With all this social distancing going on, it’s lonely out there! Having a pet — literally ANY PET, can help! Here’s our guide to adopting and caring for your very own pet rock!
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I do need one but I'm afraid my magic deer statue will get jealous. And Aesop Rocky lol love it
Lmao I actually have a bunch of pet rocks and I named them I’m totally not crazy
This quarantine craziness is making us ALL go a bit bonkers!!! – but still, make sure your pet rock gets at least a walk a week!! ??
To the lady featured in this video: get an agent! You are wonderful! Witty, funny, engaging. Best to you and your pet rock.
20 seconds in and I'm like The Fuk?? What's happening.. and after a minute and half later I'm like.. Oohh right..
Edit: I now realized two things about myself,
1. I have zero awareness of what day & date is right now.
2. That I don't read the title of most of the videos that I watched today.
This lightened up the day. A good breather from covid19
the quarantine has made us turn to having rocks as pets
Next will be pet hand pet foot pet finger pet cheek
Didn't expect this from pet collective
This must have been a cocaine fuel influence idea video.
I really want to get a pet pebble but I’m afraid my pet rock I’ve had for 10 years will not accept it. Introduce slowly?
I bet this woman needs to buy every 2 days a pot of powder to use as makeup. That's his much she uses.
Just looking at it was cute and healed?????
Great april fools gag. Alas, the view count suggests most subscribers went "I dont care about no pathetic rocks, show me the animals".
I got a pet eye holes, I got eye holes, I love eye holes
Unfortunately, I’m allergic to sedimentary rocks and can’t partake in this adventure 🙂
we are both stond
No, pet rocks are NOT a good substitute for a lack of toilet paper. No, no, no, no…
Amusing but not new – there was talk of people keeping pet rocks back in the '70s.
Very informative! I've always been worried that I could never give a rock a good home. A friend of mine lost their pet rock in the tragic Skipping Stones incident of 2006, and could never bring themselves to adopt another one. I'm worried the same might happen if I'm not careful enough, but hopefully with these tips, I can make sure my pet rock is given the best care possible!
We can't take rocks as pets round here. They bite.
Sehr witzig…guten Abend an alle…
Who's Brenda again?
My mom buyed a hamster and named it Caruna. If you think it sounds like 'Corona' you are right because my mom decided to name a hamster after a virus
Calling out Brenda and all the Brenda's in 2020
Wouldn't it be bad to wash your pet rocks because water slowly chips away at rocks
Pet rocks….um okay.
? wtf .. I was looking 4 avalanches wtf is this .. Caucasian ppl whyyyyyyy
I got a pet rock. I got a pet rock too. I got a pet rock it's really cool. I got a pet rock that's pretty cool. I got a pet rock
It's more like a, it's like, it's like a, it's like a, it's like a worry stone. It's a worry stone. You take it, you worry, you worry, you worry, you worry, you worry, you worry, you rub it, you worry, you worry, you worry, you worry, you worry, you worry, you worry, you worry, you worry, you worry, you worry, you worry, you worry, you worry, you worry.
This is stupid a pet rock whats wrong whith the humanity ⚠⚠:O :-* :-
I needed this right now!!! Thank you!!! My beloved kitty, Mitzi, passed away Monday. She was almost 15 years old. Raised her and her brother from month old kittens. He passed last summer. So this video is much appreciated!
cool video my guy
If you guys subscribe to my channel i will mention you in a video
9th coment
Thanks for the great video ?
By the way guys, if you like cute cats and beautiful nature, my channel is def. the right thing for you. Have a quick look. Thnx ❤️
I have a pet rock cage on my self WITH a rock in it from 2 ish years ago and I took it I little to seriously…….
And it’s not a joke
Awwwww thanks!!!
Also subscribe to my channel and comment on what kind of videos you want me to do
Hi can u make a giveway? Username:PabeIsHere Tnxx