Rescue Poor Dog was Hit By Car lying in the rain by the highway under puddle water

Rescue Poor Dog was Hit By Car lying in the rain by the highway under puddle water
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Rescue Poor Dog was Hit By Car lying in the rain by the highway under puddle water

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How long has he been lying in the water by the road?
I saw… and I returned
I saw a Doggie lying while I was driving! But I sensed he was in trouble! I returned…
I returned, and he was just lying in the rain by the highway in a puddle of water! He was lying and it was as if he’d given up! As if he said, I can’t take it anymore!… And as I sensed he was in pain I told him: – Can we make a deal? Don’t give up now! I’m here! You don’t bite me (from the pain) and I will help you! Okay?…,
….The Doggie is in my car and we’re on our way to the ve station! X-rays will be done so we could see what’s broken! What I’m concerned about is internal injuries i.e. bleeding! People drive at high speeds here…
….He just wanted to cross the road…
We will write from the vet clinic! The Doggie will most likely be operated on! Help will be needed to pay for the veterinary costs and (most probably) the operation, and the later postoperative accomodation!

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Courtesy: Fahrudin Caki Bravo:

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The dodo pet rescue:
Howl Of A Dog:
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel:
Animal Aid Unlimited, India:

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Thank you for watching!

#animalrescue, #dogrescue, #rescuepuppy


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About the Author: Animal Rescue


  1. もし轢いた奴がいるなら病院に即連れて行くのが人間としての礼儀じゃないん?家族がもし同じことになったらどうするん? 放置のまま? 人殺しになりたいんやマジで腹立つ 轢いた奴は死ねばいいのに

  2. What a beautiful dog , can’t believe so many people in cars drove by him ? shame on them But thank god you spotted him and saved him god bless great to see him so happy ??

  3. O madonna santissima questo povero cane nn riesce neanche a camminare e stremato e che gli e successo poverino ma come si fa a essere indifferenti a tanta sofferenza x nostra fortuna vi sono brave persone che aiutano e salvano i nostri pelosetti meravigliosi che danno amore incondizionato amore che bello che sei e che occhi dolcissimi che ai ti aguro tutto il bene e che qualcuno ti adotti presto e ti faccia stare bene e ti da la dignità che tu meriti

  4. What is wrong with you ? Seriously ? If he could get up he wouldn't be laying in water and the first thing you do is put him in pain by making him stand up ?

  5. Mil gracias por ayudarlos, rescatarlos y darles esperanzas, yo les deseo y lo decretó que tengan las mejores bendiciones y les valla en todo bien, muchas gracias otra vez por hacer es labor.

  6. Poor thing it's just amazing that the person who hit the dog didn't have a heart to do anything at all. Thanks for being compassionate and getting involved and making this dog better, ??❤️

  7. 狗狗痛苦躺在濕冷路旁狀什可憐,所以路過司機也於心不忍,把車駛回將狗狗拯救回 Animal Rescue ,在善心人惜心醫治狗狗,漸漸康復會有一半步行能力和狗狗用的輪椅,看到他開心模樣也為狗狗感恩。

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