Rescue Street Puppy Two Legs & AMAZING TRANSFORMATION 2020
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This is Cupcake!
He came to us when his legs were completely crushed.
He was malnourished, exhausted, and unable to survive.
With love, we patiently saved his life.
Having undergone 3 surgeries, now he is starting to get well.
Today, he practiced walking on two legs ….
Although many new things, Cupcakedogy has gradually become acquainted with new life.
Cupcakedogy is having a happy new life.
He gradually overcome all challenges that not everyone can do.
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The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
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#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
This little dog is amazing,the way he runs around with only 2 legs,bless you for rescuing him ????????????❤️
Pobre perrito gracias por ayudar no se lo que le paso ya es feliz
I suggest to give him some gelatin for nourishing his limb joints that are doing extra work.
Cupcake is so energetic. Thank you rescuers.
Wow so adorable he isn't letting his legs get him down…
Wow-the slow-mo? He's amazing! I loved the little Cupcake pillow! At 7:24 you can see him trying to scratch with his amputated back leg-poor little guy. I'm so happy he has a wonderful family. BTW did anyone notice his little halo of hair fluffing up in the breeze also @7:24. Adorable, and the stairs? What a guy.
Como Deus é maravilhoso! Só com duas pernas consegui levar uma vida normal sendo cuidado com amor!!!
È commovente come si accettano 'incondizionatamente' ! …….
Das ist ja süss!!!!So ein starkes kleines Kerlchen!!!!Er ist ein Kämpfer!!!!Tausendmal Danke an euch alle,dass ihr ihn gerettet habt!!Einfach wunderbar!!!!?♀️?
This is Amazing! Thanks to all of you ❤️ ? ?
Un perrito valiente, maravilloso gracias por brindarle una vida feliz ?????????
Amore allo stato puro❤❤❤????
such a funny and activity angel,i don't know why abandoned by people?forever healthy ,baby!
Scusate pensano che fosse una bellissima cagnolina invece è un bellissimo cagnolino grazie per averlo amato come si merita e curato è proprio un amore grande ciao piccolo buona vita amore grazie siete delle persone fantastiche ciao!!!??????????
È proprio dolcissima grazie per averla salvata e amata come si merita grazie per tutto quello che fate x lei ciao piccola buona vita amore grazie siete delle persone fantastiche ciao piccoli buona vita! grazie di esistere ciao!!!?????????????
Hahahahah his more happy then four leg so great hope u forever happy buddy 🙂
Absolutely amazing recovery. Thank you for saving his precious life. He is very happy and joyful now. Can do virtually everything with two legs is simply fantastic. Thank you. ??❤️?❤️??❤️??❤️??❤️??
?? poor baby thank you so much for helping and saving baby ? god bless you ❤️❤️❤️????????
애처롭다. 불쌍합니다. 구해 주셔서 감사합니다.
Amazing ❤️❤️❤️ great job guys
Wow amazing, big big thanks guys fr saving life this beautiful puppy, Gbu always guys
Look at him go!! Yay Cuocakedog!!
Молодчина! ?
This is miracle of Allah a two leged puppy after the amazing rescue became more stonger more playful and more intelligent the four leged puppy.be blessed the rescuers and team of vet for your tireless effort
Omg he is so adorable!! Thank you all for saving his life. God Bless him!!
Que linda historia d este perrito es un héroe d su vida, un guerrero d verdad lo admiro como un ser viviente , si lo tendría cerca lo abrazaría y le daría muchos besos aunque estamos en momentos d pandemia , me alegra saber que está en una familia q lo ama de verdad , aunque no si se le puede ayudar con una silla d ruedas para que no se canse cuando sale a jugar o a su paseo a la calle para proteger su columna ya que carga todo el peso d su cuerpo sobre todo cuando sube y baja escaleras con altura mayor en sus gradas debe sufrir aunque se nota que el perrito es hiperactivo , es una idea personal pero sé que ustedes q siempre ayudan a los animales en extrema crisis d salud ustedes asesoran evolución d su salud , muchas gracias por esta historia preciosa me ha enternecido mucho , Dios les bendiga y también al perrito que lo admiro mucho por su tenacidad.
Tears in my face of joy and happiness
Spunky cupcake!
OMG, heartbreaking yet heartwarming wrapped in a tiny bundle of joy. And see how gorgeous this little man is ??
Guerrero hermoso ???????
Ele tinha que ter milhões de visualizações