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  1. Hailey. I know EXACTLY what that is like. I, like you, feel/discern when evil is near. I will get what I call red flags and warning feelings not to enter a place! You are so wise to listen to that warning to not enter that area where death row was. You felt a very dark presence there and the voice of that ghost girl told you to Leeeaaave! That is so awesome to have good spirits protecting you!

  2. How do I send Hailey Reese my paranormal stories? What's her email for those? If anyone can let me know I'd appreciate it I'd love to share a couple of my experiences! Thank you

  3. my sister just had my mom by a paranormal witch ball thing and it moves on its own I can feel the negative energy inside I tried to tell my mother not to do it its has evil entity she said no sweetie it dose not what do I do

  4. Ok, but when Hailey turned around and ran and right before she did that they were talking about the bathroom and how it was gross you hear a man say "it's not that bad"

  5. What I don’t get is that this girl who’s been constantly promoting about living in light love and blah blah blah, and yet is always here talking about the evil darkness and putting herself in situations associating with it. How is that consistent with her words?

  6. I know this is an older video, but next time you catch something on camera speaking don't tell us what it is or put text with what you hear. Once you say 'and a voice said ____' our brains are going to hear that even if there's nothing there. It makes it more difficult, at least for me, to make my own conclusions when I'm being told what to hear

  7. I know this is really off topic but who else really wants a make up tutorial from Hailey btw you're gorgeous ily Hailey keep doing you and meing amazing inspiring and beautiful inside and out and im pretty sure the reeses pieces all think you're an angel but anyways bye❤?

  8. If you take a screenshot of the scull moment and flip it on it’s side it looks like a complete face and almost a darker shadow of a body

  9. Maybe that the jail was a hell portal that was only on the 8th floor you heard torturing so what if a spirit is still being tortured for their human wrongdoings ?

  10. It ALMOST makes me wonder if it was Kasidya or Sam. They said they'd always be with you. Guardians perhaps? I know I'm binge watching your vids but I had to throw in my opinion.

  11. I litteraly have no idea how to get in touch. I've tried making a Twitter. I have no insta. I've tried going through your twitter link in your most recent videos. But I can't connect. I have no idea who could help who isn't fake. I need help with vivid dreams. I feel I could've saved my father's life. Please respond.

  12. I also heard what sounded like an old man in the exact moment leading up to the skull showing up. The way someone sounds when they are sick and can't speak "aaauugghh"

  13. I've been on a tour there before! Long, long time ago, but I remember it so vividly. Some spooky things happened too, so I'll make a list. (The layout to the building might have changed since I was there in 2012-2013 so if the description of the locations seems off, then I do warn (like I said above) that I haven't been there for a few years, so it's likely that the prison was modified)

    – When entering the building, there are rooms to the left of the front doors to the prison, on the bottom floor that you can stay in. The first story that the tour guide told the group, was that whoever stayed in the first and second rooms on the bottom level, would often be woken up by a very tall entity standing at the end of the bed, asking questions, or even sitting on the bed and openly talking to the guest staying in the room. This entity or spirit was not known to be particularly malicious, however, it was noted that two guests reported the ghost rummaging through their suitcases!

    – On the tour, the guide was telling us that when going up the stairs, to the level where the noose is put around the criminal's neck, and the level where the hanging actually happens over the courtyard, women often felt hands trying to push them backwards down the stairs. In my group on the tour, there WAS a woman, who felt like someone was violently trying to throw her, and pull her hands off the railings. She felt so nauseous and scared, that she had to leave the tour with her husband, in fear of an accident occurring.

    – In the hall where the death row cells are, we were told that the door at the end of the hall, that lead to the hangman's 'office' I guess you would call it, always had sounds omitted from it. Sometimes there were the sounds of an old, static TV going off, sometimes there would be conversations between people, or screaming, and arguments, or even the sounds of objects being thrown around the room. The key for the room was missing after the prison was closed, so it was closed off for many, many years. After about a decade, people entering the building grew more and more concerned about what lay behind the door, so a locksmith came in, to break into the room, and the noises stopped. There seemed to be no disarray or sign of anyone being in the room for years.

    – Lastly: For proof that we are on the tour, we are given numbered tickets. When walking through the courtyard that the hangings happen in, the guide was saying, that the last four or five times he lead the tour, the person with the 36th ticket would get a nosebleed. I was on the tour with my dad, and he was #36. Blood trickled from his nose just before the group left the yard.

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