Rescue Poor Dog Was Tied Foot In The Tree & Amazing Transformation

Rescue Poor Dog Was Tied Foot In The Tree & Amazing Transformation
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Rescue Poor Dog Was Tied Foot In The Tree & Amazing Transformation

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This dog was tied from his foot in a tree with a rope, from the severity of the rope tightness it reached the bone and caused him strong inflammation and miserable pain!

We need to admit him to the hospital ASAP because his leg is getting worse.
They will do some tests for the leg and X-rays plus his neutering surgery.
Tyler’s leg is improving and healing good.
The dog is with us now and soon he will travel to Canada .

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More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue:
Howl Of A Dog:
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel:
Animal Aid Unlimited, India:

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Thank you for watching!

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About the Author: Animal Rescue


  1. 這隻白狗幸好有善 心人拯救回來,而且在 Animal Rescue 惜心謢理之下,亦都可以步行。狗狗只有無言感激助他的善心人。

  2. Muñeco bello como te estoy viendo recuperandote?????????gracias amigo de rescate de peluditos y las personas de buen Corazon que ayudan y dan un granito de arena??????????????muchos aplausos para todos ustedes de gran Corazon ???

  3. Muito triste que fazem com os animais eles tem sentimentos como nos quando estão doentes e com fome eu agradeço todos vocês de coração muitíssimo obrigada

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