Tweakers compilation 2020 – Corona Virus freak out! Why be a thief if death is coming near? Dudes the virus might get you and you might go out as a thief? Change now while you can. A business owner’s business ruined. Serious where is the morals of people, Is this really the way you been trained up? May each gain there own reward to them that bless a blessing and to them that curse a curse. May the ones that kept blessed be blessed and the greed with these people be the curse upon them and may it haunt them. Tweakers 2020 thieves freaking out stealing.
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#coronavirus #freakout #tweakers
What barbaric animal behavior. I hope all of you are recognized and pay for your insane behavior. When this has passed there will be no businesses left for you to buy food and shop from. Those that are not already going out of business because they are forced to shut down, are being robbed into closing. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU! Any why the hell were the police and solders doing nothing?
Where is this at?
This is crazy