When Heather and Sarah Ann were growing up they told each other every secret. But Heather left their small town on the last day of high school vowing never to return. Forced to come back when her father becomes ill, the young documentary filmmaker is pressured into filming Sarah Ann’s wedding video. Heather is convinced that the edgy filmmaker and bubbly pink-wearing bride have nothing in common, but as the big day approaches she finds that no one is quite what they seem – especially the old friend she thought she knew better than anyone.
We are getting too many boy girl videos on youtube. If you want boy girl videos go to hallmark!
Quarantine List
YouTube movies
I think that’s it
Quarantine check lol. I was srprised how both of Sara Ann's parents were cheating and now she is too :0
Good movie
Me. Loved it. Also watched Cookout.
Yoooooo am I the only one that thought that Heather was going to end up with Collin ???
this movie is so fricked up?
Kinda depressing.
I was about to say I felt bad for the father because his wife was having an affair, but then the father had an affair and I was like “oh…”
lol I have a teacher named Mr. Bowman at my school
YouTube Movies I've been glued to your channel for four days now ,Lovens your movies.
did someone pay people to comment on this?? This movie fucking sucks dude, i don't understand where people love it????? it fucking sucks
Great movie while quarantine, not lots of food
Who’s watching during quarantine in 2020
Ill take those fries, thx ?
Foul unnessary language. Foul. Shame on producers. Why do it.??
A toilet paper ad came up and im like i doubt im going to be able to get my hands on that ??
So sorry I watched the ENTIRE movie. It started out ok, then shifted into a sort of Desperate Housewives mode before devolving into an R-rated high school play. Don’t waste your time (like I did)!
I didn't like this movie overdrawn
The blond girl is in another free movie on here called sleepover i thought i'd never see her in another movie
good movie!!
O M G it took me forever to realize it is the actress from the Salem Series.
I think this is the first time I have seen Alex Kingston without her British accent??? Very weird lol and boy is she perky also weird, she makes an awesome character when she is a bad ass defiantly works for her.
they all cheaters??
heather nd sarah are so prettyyy
I was hoping at the end of the movie, Heather's five year old child would arrive and explain why she left so abruptly. Oh well, in my mind that's how it really ends.
These people are from sleep over and all the other movies
I recognize the actress who played Sarah Ann. She was in a movie called Sleepover. I totally recommend the movie, "Sleepover".
This was a horribly stupid movie!! I can't believe I wasted time watching it!!!!!!!!!
God I really can not stand the main character in this, I guess that's supposed to be the point, but she reminds me too much of my sister, she's just a bitch all the time for no logical reason, but in this case its somewhat justifiable because that blonde chick is pretty annoying, and her family is too, but in my case with my sister it IS NOT even slightly justifiable, she is incredibly rude and disrespectful to me all the time and gets offended at things that aren't even directed towards her and have nothing to do with her, but she always finds some way to be offended and angry about EVERYTHING, a lot like the chick in this movie, except actually much worse when I really think about it.
HOWEVER, This movie is really good, I'm not talking shit on the actual film itself, in fact I'm complimenting it, they did a really good job picking the actors in this because they are all very convincing assholes all in their own way. The small town people are all ignorant, and so awful in every possible way, they are racist, homophobes and have no respect for others and only focus on themselves/close family, but they don't even actually know anything about each other because they are so unintelligent they can't think passed their own minds enough to focus on another person for even a minute of their time, like the husband to be who could only think to compare his fiance to his car because he knows nothing about her, and it's so sad because they are clearly only getting married because of religion and the ignorant ways they were raised in a small town.
This movie perfectly captures the unfortunate but endless supply of disgusting clusterfucks of people that live in all different states in the U.S. and continue to be bred generation after generation and somehow haven't died off yet, despite being some of the most uneducated kinds of people in the U.S.
unfortunately it isn't much better on the other side ie:(places like where I live here in california) we just have the smarter/more politically correct, but FAR more conceited, cocky, and selfish versions of these people. Not to mention, most of them are hardcore social justice warriors.
I love heather.