My second channel. ?
#neardeathcomplication #luckyday #Thebestdayever #roadto10000
I put spongebob’s the best day ever over a near death complication.
Thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed the video.
It would be great if you subscribe to my YouTube channel?
Every video is the best day ever
How dare someone dislike the video
I love your videos, keep up the great work!
Forklift: slightly touches shelves
Shelves: half my respiratory organs were destroyed
As usual keep up the amazing hard work and thanks for help getting through quarantine
Greetings, I’m here to watch people die
Why do I watch these hoping to see someone die
Another amazing video
Keep it up 🙂
Has anybody noticed that the video category is labeled comedy?
um, I’m sure in the last clip the person that was in the cart died .-.
Firs like and comment I love your vids