Poor Sick Puppy Abandoned Lying on the Ground, Sadness Want sleep Without Fears
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Poor Sick Puppy Abandoned Lying on the Ground, Sadness Want sleep Without Fears. Thanks
Please Donate: Paypal: sandradiz2022@gmail.com
Courtesy: Sandra Dizdarevic: https://www.facebook.com/sandra.dizdarevic.3
More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
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#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
Que lindinho amei?????????❤️???
Who else would stick this little one immediately in his jacket to warm him up?! This would be my first reaction for sure!
Abandoners go to hell!
thank you very much !
Bless you with puppies
Happy forever!
When I watch these little sweeties play, and love each other, I ask myself? Why God can we love one another like these little ones. People please understand love is the way , because the Most High He is love. Thanks for reading this. Please think about it.
meanwile i thnk some people let suffer pure animals for some klicks ;(((
Aris is just adorable, how could people just abandon these beautiful puppies, cannot they not drop them off to a rescue centre or is it not as easy as that in your country. Where are you, somewhere in Eastern Europe? Thankyou for saving Aris and all the other dogs and cats you have saved and rehomed in the past. ?????
Tomara que todos os animais abandonados encontrem pessoas de boa fé e bom ❤que os resgatem e os coloque em abrigos para que vivam com dignidade e cuidados em abrigos ??
I pray for you and yours for what you do saving these sweet angels…angels you are
Love her name…sweet baby…bless you angels for saving this sweet soul…
It was so reassuring to see that man's big hand caress that small puppy's face.
Gracias x ayurle a esa bebe tan tierna e inocente???
So cute.
Que Hermoso verla tan feliz muchísimas Gracios
Che tenero questo piccolo cucciolo, ma come si può abbandonare così una bellissima creatura..Grazie a voi che salvate queste splendide creature.??❤❤❤???
So sweet puppy ❤️❤️❤️ God bless you all ?❤️?
Hermosa mi vida
Thank you angels for give little Aris a second chance of life
Какой милый щеночек! Лапотушка! Как такой мог оказаться на улице?
How sweet this puppy is your 'ĺl have place in heaven
She's a cute and fun little dog. I feel sad to see her displaced and alone outside … on the streets. there is no mother dog.. God Bless You little dog.. ?? Thank God ?someone helped and nurtured it ?
孤獨有病的小狗沒有人理會,無精打彩的坐在地上,善心人也於心不忍,在未遇上苦難時候便把小狗拯救回 STRAY PAWS 救治,得以救回小命,慢慢地惜心護理好後,變回 一隻快樂小狗。感恩
what a sweet baby!!!
You people are the best.With love an d admiration.R.
Thank you for saving this wonderful, beautiful dog. I am very happy
È proprio una brava cagnolina e amorosa vedrai che troverai una famiglia che ti vorrà tanto bene ciao piccola!!!buona vita!!!!??❤???❤?????❤??✌
Grazie x averlo portato via dà li grazie per averlo curato,è proprio un amore grande e spero che trovi una famiglia che gli voglia tanto bene ciao piccolo buona vita amore grazie!!!grazie x tutto quello che fate x l'oro!!!siete delle belle persone fantastiche grazie ciao!!!!????????✌???❤??
God bless you puppy??☝️❤️??? Thanks Guys for saving puppy And Guys your work is really important and beautiful❤️❤️❤️??????????????????
Love & kisses for the cutest girl ????
She is cute…
Não vi nenhuma vez ela comer nesse vídeo
God bless you !!