Top 5 SCARIEST ghost videos! Truly SCARY videos, including an EXCLUSIVE scary ghost video from popular TikTok user NickCimino68 .
If you liked this Nuke’s Top 5 scary video, you should also check out Top 10 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt7ic6JJNZ4
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It has been pointed out by several Brazilian viewers that the subtitles on #1 are incorrect on a VERY important line.
A line that actually makes the video even better.
Originally posted by Nando Peres: "In the video when the subtitles ''She was so relieved'' appeared, the girl was saying : "She thought she heard her sister´s voice''
That makes the video more scary."
I always try to hire translators to make the videos better but sometimes they make mistakes and, since I don't know the language, I am unaware. The translator I worked with on this video will NOT be used again. I apologize.
-Edit: Since some people seem to think I "fired" someone. To be clear. I hire FREELANCE translators on a per video basis. I am not their sole, or even their primary source of income. There is no "full-time Portuguese translator" on salary to translate ONE video segment every 2-3 months 🙂 In fact, this was my first time working with this translator on this one project.
But again- no one got "fired". I simply will be using a different translator for future freelance translation work.
Sorry for any confusion.
#5 the house has such a terrible layout, I'm surprised anyone's willing to live there haunted or not!
The house I'm living isn't that bad. You could only hear stuff move in my house hold. Thats pretty much it.. I don't wanna see it or else I freak out even more. Hearing stuff move is ok with me but seeing someone or a figure is a no go for me..
The first clip is just so fake, it's just like a paranormal activity film but with a cellphone
The only reason the first dude's house was haunted was because he lived in a fucking MC Escher paiting.
Why are there multi-colored lights in the bathtub? That house is weird.
The last one seems very real to me because this has happened to me and other family members. In my personal beliefs the deceased relatives has until the time of burial or nine nights after they die to travel around saying goodbye and after that they enter soul sleep. Any interaction after that is demon IMHO.
Who the hell would run away finding two little kids in an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere? What if they were lost or kidnapped?
Ghosts: Alright guys tonight's gotta be big if we wanna get in nukes video, any suggestions?
Two kids: "We could peak around a door?"
Ghost: "That's good, any-"
Tiktok dude: "sPiRiTs StOp!"
Ghost: "Yo who is he talking to-'
Tiktok guy:
Runs around the house saying spirits stopGhosts:
look into the camera like on the officeGhost kids:
LaughingDude at 8:17 : "A ghostaghostgogorun!!!"
The kids: "Oh shit my bad sorry-"
(Edit; I made this because it was what my first thoughts were lmao)
are u gonna go back to omegle trolling?
The layout of Nick’s home is so bizzare.. also clean and declutter your home Nick!
Guy In second video is annoying as heck ??♀️
This guys is better then chills, change my mind
Wasnt the first video already been in the past upload of Nukes? or is it just me?
Make new Omegle vids or else I will unsubscribe
Did anyone got the color stuck in there head if u do u should watch a anime it will clear your mind
These vids are getting so fake and lame to the point that the second TikTok is mentioned, I skip it.
The layout of that first guy's house is triggering
swear u shown the first one already
Shawn Lambson"s house… It sounds exactly like a dog on a leash charging the door ??
red door yellow door i guess ghosts are communists
Being quiet: exists
Guy ghost hunting in the middle of the woods: SHHHSHH Be quiet!
That guys house ciminio or whatever, has such an interesting layout ?
The spirit be mad that Nick’s house has so much clutter.
What’s scary is the the person who filmed knows if it’s an hoax or not, and if it’s not, yeah… i would be scared to death if i was some of them
Anyone else get annoyed at how many times the second guy did the. SHSHSHSHSHSH sound
First one is fake you can see how a guys throws the can down
I can believe #1 when my dad was dying of blood loss in prison due to liver cirrhosi. He said he remembered all of a sudden being in my moms house trying to call out and reach for her… I never asked my mom her experience though so idk lucky he got help in time
Yeah I seen clip where this ghost was fucking his house up this ghost a real jerk??
It also happened to us the last video when one of our relative is dying and hoping to get see my grandmother and her son it is one hour after his death.
The first video is clearly a set up. It’s just making a mockery of real videos of spiritual evidence. To be honest I am finding more and more on here clearly fakes and set ups. This channel sucks
Why he dont just plug off his tv?
I really wish you wouldn't include the extremely staged clips in your vids. Some of these are painfully fake.
That first guy literally has a million stairs it feels like
Shhhh shhhh shhhh shhhh shhhh shhhh shhhh shhhh… What a weirdo ?
There's a set of red eyes on the right bottom corner of the video did any body else see this it is when he walks in to the bathroom to turn the shower and lights off it acures at 2 minutes and 52 seconds look for it I saw it the firs time I watched this video