Jack and Joel take another delicious bite of the Fail Pie in this week’s Fails of the Weak! Join FIRST to watch episodes early: http://bit.ly/2wf5zPJ
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Fails of the Weak: Ep. 47 – Funny Halo 4 Bloopers and Screw Ups! | Rooster Teeth
Elite version of Tucker… "Blarg Blarg, Flarg!"
2:27 Joel said what’s on all of our minds
“Here’s 49604049’er05”
Jack had the best joke in this o.o joel is awesome but that "well… becuse the dredlocks " part was gold
I hate you Joel
"That is why the Japanese did not win World War II."
first when I went to type this my phone fell in the trash and now I have forgot what I was going to say
This channel is gonna get destroyed for that WW2 joke just like Nagasaki
Sounds like caboose took over you guys
Anyone ? I feel alone
Caboose, nice WWII joke!
I am hearing Grif in Geoff and Caboose in Joel yy
Is Joel just acting like Caboose or is he just like that?
I wonder how much hate Joel got after that WW2 joke.
not the same without Geoff
"People on the internet have no right to be offended by anything." Oh Joel, only if you knew.
Joel is awesome
fails of the weak 0:03
is Joel the voice of caboose
That was a ok joke
"People on the Internet have no right to be offended by anything." Joel has clearly never heard of Tumblr.
Damn Joel, savage.
Oh Joel, our Fav lil clown
heres one silentdead21 assasination lol
Here u go morons… Left trigger while using warthog is emergency brake
joel ww2 joke was funny
u spelled week rong
Don't worry Joel, I don't hate you. ^_^
Does that guy voice caboose in red vs blue?
Where's Jeff?
does joel voice caboose?
1:58 i did that too lol
Hahaha, I nearly died on the world war 2 joke
"I don't want to live in a future that doesn't have socks."
Words to live by, Joel. Words to live by.
lol "It's like popcorn!!"
3:49 – Why Minors are notngivem swords.
I agree with Joel for people to shorten their gamer tags
Jeff I mean
Where is jaff!?
The reason why Spartans can fall from space and survive is because before or while they are falling, they lock their armor and that takes most of the impact. Master Chief falling from space isn't so impressive now, is it?