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Holy shit dude. What the fuck was that? That was insanity.
Glad you guys are OK. It's awesome that you're both OK AND you got so many shots of it, especially the mirror shit – like something from a movie. Yea, in a scenario like that fuck the bike.
If that car wouldn't be behind you,you would have taken the hit
It's something out of a movie. Glad u were ok
That was one spooky moment. If it were me i would totally freak out. ?
Shadetree what are those gloves called, I need a pair.
This is why men carry knives. Good job Josh, you probably saved that fellow some injury. (he wasn't thinking straight out of shock I bet. Everyday hero.
Glad to see nothing happened to you guys first off, but I bet that made your butthole pucker up just a bit!!!! Lol!!!?
The most true "hadda layer down" story I've ever heard haha!
Your gloves? Where’d you get em?
Butt pucker 100
Holy cow!!
just wondering why his bike just plopped over
On this Easter weekend, I’m hoping you recognize that it wasn’t Satan that kept you from certain death.
Wow, glad your okay. I would have shot my pants.
How the heck did the car flip??? I dont see the car hit anything???
Talk about a full pucker moment!
Peppy must have been on the phone with the driver. “Do a barrel roll”
You dudes are actually so lucky that car was there to clip him…that guy would have plowed into you and injured/killed you. He was moving
Friggin hate being stopped on the bike on busy roads….that's the kill zone for sure
holy shit dude…that was a little too fuckin' close! I'm glad you're ok. 🙂
thanks for the mirror close up
was wondering what kind of cheat he entered to flip on an open street
Is that the new electric Harley..?
Fucken van cut him off and cause the car to flip
Thank God that car was behind you
This how you know God rides a bike too, someone was definitly watching out for you! ?
how did the car flip?? nevermind, Just fully watch the video as he explained it lol
So that asshole that hit him fled…
Wow that suv behind you saved your lives