My aunt fosters dogs from the humane sociaty. These puppies mom was brought back to the shelter after a woman said that she didn’t like her grandchildren. That night she had to puppies. The next day my aunt brought them home to foster them and I helped. For Christmas I talked my mom into letting me get one. I wanted LuLu Bell but my mom didn’t want my first puppy to have a condition. I guess she didn’t want me to deal with it if she died. With this economy we also couldnt afford the medical bills. So she talked me into getting Mocha. Mocha-Miss attitude. She will do what she wants when she wants. She has her cuddley moments to. LuLu-The most cuddley, loveble, sweet, fuzzy, puppy ever.
@hartbreaker58 lol! that looks like my dog!!!
omg they adorable i wish i had a dog like that but i have the cutes chiuhauhas ever :))
hey sam remember? mocha moocha lol
Omg! Those puppies r soooo cute! I like ur puppy when i came ova! She was so small! =] sam
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they are sooo cute!! it was a sad story about lulu bell so i hope you fell better because in the end of the description it sounded like you really miss her.
they are soooooooooo cuuuuuuuuute
They are simply gorgeous!