minecraft is back yea boii
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ive had this video planned for weeks and ive made 30+ minecraft videos but lets just say im copying Pewds despite this video being nothing like his. Some of yall dumb lmao
when Lannan said the names of the disister in the beginning I instantly make a song.
mini mr beast
When you die to a silver fish before the disasters start
Why are we still here. Just to suffer
1:15 that was me omg
Elppa more like helper
They could have just hid in the nether
This easily could’ve been hide and Yeet
It is the apocalypse ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Lazar bean is the Australian skeppy
Y e s
Lazarbeam can you play brawlhalla
I would’ve just built a nether portal
He wasnt lagging in the water people someyimes cant be blown up
Am I the only person who thinks that lazarbeam is secretly skeppy
I'm a massive streamer of MineCraft on Twitch and Mixer. I'd love to connect and maybe we could trade advice?
Can some one tell me what his minecraft
IP address is and sever name
Where can I get milk? My dad went to get some 12 years ago but never came back. My mum told me to go get some instead.
I thought u said that the gingy boi was going to live
the people who found diamonds in this game are legends
2020 be like
lazarbeamsfoot left the game
Hey lazerbeam you got to see the call volcano event this time unlike fortnite RIP
8:40 whenever the game doesn't kill them we just teleport them and drop them. Title: vs natural disasters. ?
Players left: bingo. Bingo. Bingo. Bingo
Does lazar have the xbox app?????????
When you get blowed up in water you don’t die. ;/
Omg he has diamond play button
Can we just all respect Lazar YouTube picture
Swet jinjer butty
I just realized this was uploaded ony birthday
I love these videos keep up the great content lazarbeam we need you through this crisis
Some stupid moments in this video.
Guy dies from silverfish but was suppose to be killed from natural disaster
and also the guy which drowned WTF BRO
Can I be in your video
8:40 that guy survived because of the water not because of lag
Lazar mainly balmed people for lag when OBSIDAN DONST BLOW UP
Your copying skeepy
Monkey died to silverfish
Can you do another one of these tomorrow or something
Water protects people from explosions!
Just make nether portal