On June 4th, 2004, a sixty-three-ton bulldozer, fortified with steel and concrete, systematically destroyed numerous businesses and homes in the small mountain town of Granby, Colorado. The rampage lasted over two hours and resulted in more than eight million dollars in damage. State and local police were incapable of even slowing the machine. Though it was armed with three high-powered firearms, no one but the driver was killed. His name was Marvin Heemeyer. TREAD explores the polarizing perspectives on this man, his motives, and what drove him to the breaking point.
Marv was my friend RIP buddy and fuck Granby and Grand county!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish he woulda took out granby jones mhp while he was at it
Wow for all the people saying he was a hero… so glad you arent my neighbor. You know who was a hero? Gandhi. He achieved so much with no violence or destruction. Sounds like a bunch of gun-toting Trumpers on here.
To bad he didn't rid the town of the scum he was going after.
This guy and the guy who flew his plane Into the IRS are heros .
Can someone explain how tf he actually got inside the thing? Ive been trying to figure it out for years but theres not alot of information about how he built it. Ive read many news articles about it. some say he got in the dozer and then lowered the armour on to it but that seems almost impossible and judging by the pictures it looks the armour is welded to the structure of the dozer. Others including this suggests that theres a hatch on the roof but when they try to find a way in they strongly infer there is no hatch and its completely sealed shut. I.e it took them 5hr to cut into it. It would be great if someone could explain this.
58:19, “I’m yelling. I’m ordering it to stop. Yea that’s not happening lol
YES!!! can't starve the marv
Sounds like to me they screwed him and are trying to say oh it wasn’t their fault that they treated him fairly which they didn’t
Enough people dont do what he did
A man can only take so much.
A great documentary. No hero here, just a man with a progressive mental disorder and was brilliant at making things. I do remember it in the news. Guy builds Tank, Tank Crushes town, guy dies. BTW, the final price of $400K was an excellent offer. That Komatsu he bought for $33K, best used dozer resale I ever knew of. Mini Cats, high drive are $500K new. He knew a deal when he saw it.
He was a very smart gifted welder and fabricator. He was a Air Force Veteran and that town did him wrong. Yes that dozer should have been kept like in a museum. I'm a welder myself. I would have liked to meet Marvin.
Rest in peace American hero! I live in Denver, Colorado and I own a home that has been in my family close to 75 years. It was willed to me after my grandparents died in 2007. For the last 25 years Colorado and especially Denver has been going through a building BOOM. 10,000 people on average, per MONTH, have been moving to Denver for that time. I have seen the property taxes go from $550 twice a year to the current $2200 twice a year. My grandparents bought the home for $15,000 and it still took them 30 years to pay off. They were highly prod of their home and took loving care of it. I follow that process today because I love the house as a family member. OI have all my lifes memories here and it means a lot to me. About 15 years ago the gentrification came to my area, NW Denver. All the Victorian and Tudors and Denver Square's were all being demolished and horrible, cheap Malibu style condos put up everywhere. The zoning was changed and now there are 15 story condos in a once smalll family orientated neighborhood. The property behind me had been vacant for about 5 years and finally someone purchased the land. The land alone cost $450k. One day I noticed my back property chain fence had been removed and it was pushed back in about 8 feet. It was VERY noticeable because when I was a kid my grandma and I planted green plums and strawberries as well as mini evergreen trees in that area and all of a sudden the trees were literally touching the fence and more than half of the strawberry patch was on the other side of the fence. I argued with the builders about why they stole my property and he busts out a land survey. On that paper in a map with the footage marked etc. On the property that "stole" my land it lists their property as going 50 feet from the curb. Coinsidentally MY LSP from 1928 when the house was built says MY houses goes out 50 feet from my curb as well and the two backyards meet with a common fence. Since I am disabled and have been forced to retire since I was in my late 20's there's not whole lot that I can do and the guy having the house built next door is a surgeon, the neighborhood is full of them, and he had the money to hire a whole team of lawyers. In essence there was nothing that I could do and my advice was to accept it and move on because "it will cost you more money than its worth, more money than you have and you will be a lot happier than if you dwell on it". Lawyers. Doctors. Surgeons. Dentists. They surround me now. They have all come to the neighborhood in their high end AMG Mercedes and Teslas and Porsches and Masseratis and pushed all the original neighbors that I grew up with out of the area with the high property taxes. Marvin Heemeyer is a god damn hero. I admire him for his courage and his will and his refusal to let people walk over him! I wish I had his courage! May he rest in peace. There is a web page that sells velcro 2"x3" Military morale patches and they have a special commemorative "Killdozer" embroidered patch in olive drab and full color for $8. It's an embriodered picture of his home made Killdozer with the composite homemade armor. It is always out of stock. Americans who have been walked on by their own government know this guy is everything they wish they could be.
The fact that the guy at the end wanted to keep the dozer so the town could profit off of it is proof enough that the people he set to destroy probably deserved .
I think this guy’s resentment got the best of him. It made him selfish and delusional. Also, I think Marv is telling the truth what they did to him but he should let it go and move on. This is awesome story.
This guy makes me want to start a revolution
Every thing the city government did to bury this event and all they did was turn him and his last work into a legend.
Kill Dozer!!
It would happen again, don’t fuck with the hero’s bhs
Fuck you, Patrick Brower.
Poor little man. Instead of getting treatment for his psychiatric disorder (likely paranoid schizophrenia or paranoid personality disorder) he got sucked into the made-for-reality-TV drama, and it cost him his life. He was no "hero", any more than Elmer Fudd was. It isn't really fair to call him pathetic — he was sick, and needed help. Anyone who calls him a "hero" is a nitwit.
Just another weekly A-Team episode.
So no one had a shape charge in this county?
Marvin really did accomplish a lot with his armored dozer, besides the $8 million in damage to homes and businesses of his enemies in Granby. What do you think, an outsider Marvin purchases a property at auction, a property wanted by the concrete plant owner, and Marvin starts a muffler shop, but the City of Granby tries to force Marvin to close his business because he has no sewer hookup, fines him $100/day, this sounds totally innocent and harmless right? Why couldn't he just have a construction site portable toilet outside?
They should of looted the places he destroyed after he left cause all the attention would of been on him
True American hero…stood up against libtarded liberalfacisim and corruption …..this guy is a True American Hero!!!!
Very interesting, i do find it odd that everybody on the hit list knew they were on the hit list. I'm kinda shocked he went after the Thompson's mom though. I wish there was some more independent verification or corroboration of Marv's Side. I guess we'll never know.
Good movie nothing like i thought it was going to be like
You know when you fucked with someone , and then you realise you f@ked with the wrong person …… That's Marvin ……
He wasn't a hero. Period. He was a sociopath that thought the world was out to get him. I've known others like him, they just lacked the fortitude to do what he did. He imagined a grand conspiracy that was supposedly done by an entire town. He invented enemies due to his own delusions. He made a huge profit on the sale of his property, and spent in excess of 130K to fight the original sewage issue he could have paid for at half the cost. This man is neither a patriot nor a victim. He's a delusional sociopath. I find it ridiculous that people aren't willing to do their own independent research into this, and come here to comment because some boogaloo brigade told them to do so. He is NOT the person patriots should look toward for their inspiration toward future action.
This wasn't madness. This was not just laying down for corruption and greed it's what our country was founded by
Ok s ok I just watched it last night. I can say that I am one of those guys that looks at both sides of the issue. If things went down like Marvin said. Then the town council did screw him over, big time. If the people involved in the dispute with him over the price of the land and Marvin kept changing the price on it as the parties involved claim that Marvin did, then that was a dick move on Marvins part. I don't think Marvin would document all the events that happened if there was not any truth in it. I love how all the parties involved in the dispute claim innocence in the whole thing or deny having said the things Heemeyer stated in his recordings. I think that both parties may have been right and wrong in how they handled the issue. Marvin should have known that those small towns governments and city councils are corrupt and full of nepotism and its basically a "Good old boys" type of way of life. You see it in the video. Everyone on that council I believe, in my opinion, had some financial stake in that plant property. I wish there would been some real investigation into how that town handled the entire dispute. We will never know the real facts. I think Heemeyer was very much right in what he did with all that had happend if it was all true. You see the type of megalomaniac behavior in Home Associations. They are all in cahoots and if there is someone that does not play by their rules then they make yjose parties lives a living hell. I have seen it and heard all the stories. So im not surprised thata city council would behave unfairly toward someone they might have a personal vendetta against.