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? ? US Naval Academy Police Officers True Ghost Stories EP #1 ??
I happen to like this video
We have to watch all of YouTube videos for 18 months. That's how long the quarantine will last. This is the truth. Suicide for me.
who else is not going to sleep tonight? hehehe….
This is just…
The bloke at 3.30 looks like his trolleys are down.
Dis real? Or camera edit?
Everywhere was demons walking until the Devil ( Lucifer ) Arrives
great footage from 2016 posted in 2020.
Rly stop do this crap "music".
Yeah well. Only maybe 2 things I found interesting. The music gave me a headache and fall asleep.
Poor video music all fake PMSL
Great video ???
Spirits. Most of these are not residual ghosts or replays. These are actually spirits of darkness or demons call them what you will. They can curse and even bring death if given enough time and ground. However leave them alone they are in enough pain already. Many of them hunger and thirst but cannot eat or drink. They cannot rest unless they use a human body as a house/host. When possessing someone they steal their rest and peace. They are parasitic toward humans unfortunately. Leave them. They are dangerous and not friendly toward humans at all. Regardless I still feel bad for them. They have no hope of Salvation. They are driven to attack and cause strife. Many are in pain. Leave them. If you invite them to come to you they might follow you home and make your body and mind their home. You do not want that. Possession is real despite all those who think spirits do not exist they do exist. There are possessed people that work 40 hour a week jobs that look just like everyone else. Only when a possessed person is completely overwhelmed by demons and dominated do they show it all the time like in the movies. When a normal possession is happening the demon most likely will never show itself until their host either alone or asleep or drunk or high or angry etc. Milllions of people are possessed without ever realizing it. Some hear voices and think they are going crazy. Never think that the spirits are stupid they are not stupid but highly intelligent. They seem whimsical and capricious but they have their reasons. They can speak in any human language and can pose as any human race. They like to pose as children and sound like children but they are NOT children's spirits. Children do not remain bound to the earth when they die. When children die they are immediately taken to their families in heaven. This is not simply my opinion it is our reality whether we acknowledge it or believe it or not. Demons pose as children and demons can mimic any voice to perfection even childrens voices boy or girl does not matter. They can also mimic mechanical/digital/computer sounds perfectly. They can mimic any sound quite well. The powerful ones can affect matter. They can turn off cars and electrical equipment easily. Some are very powerful. Yet God exists and God allows them to exist for a time. God allows bad things to happen so that we might come to the end of ourselves turn back to Him and be set free forever through His Son Jesus Christ/Yeshua Messiah. God is real. Yet many churches who claim to be Christian have fallen away from God completely. The catholic church is a false paganized church run by evil politicians (it always has been the Bible speaks of the catholic church as "the great harlot"). Many large churches from every denomination have fallen away from God completely. Yet even now in these last days there remains a real true group of Holy Spirit filled children (people) in the earth. Those who follow Jesus and keep the word of His Patience the Bible. The Bible is true all of it. Even the most scientifically impossible stories in the Bible are 100% true and without exaggeration. Because God is the Original Mathematician and Scientist and He has power to do all things to His creation. Even impossible miracles yes. He has the power to make the sun go dark for a month while simultaneously keeping the earth with light and moderate temperatures if He should so choose to do so. He has no bounds to His Glory and Majesty. Thousands of years ago God told His people: "I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose life." Jesus is the Word of God and He made all things both visible and invisible. He is God and God is The Word and God is also The Holy Spirit. God is also One though He has three aspects. God sent Jesus The Word to die for our sins on a cross because no one is "good enough" to go to heaven. So He sent His Son The Word that He might make a Way to immortality and a Way to escape Hell/Sheol and eternal death with no rest. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." Yes. To live for God is to live a life of realness and great meaning. It is the greatest a human can attain to as a mortal in the earth. Many people will hate you if you follow Jesus because they hated Him first so much that they murdered Him. But He did not stay dead. He overcame death and if you cleave to Him you will live with Him. Jesus loves you more than any words can adequately express. Find Him seeker for better help you will not find in all the earth. There is great power in prayer in Jesus's Name if you believe. Great power. But do not pray as the catholics do chanting the same meaningless words over and over without heart and without joy. A prayer must be heartfelt and emotional a prayer must be hoped and believed that God can and will do it. Faith is imperative and faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. Grace is the ability to no longer sin and live as we used to. Grace is the ability to overcome the world in Jesus! The Lord Jesus is all you need! Because all stores may close and all governments fall but that is okay because though they help deliver many good things and food etc. God has the power to bless you with food water and shelter even when all stores have closed and there is no food. He is all I need. And I have seen many prayers answered and even impossible miracles. I was once a suicidal drug dealer/addict/etc. And I overdosed many times trying to kill the pain of my existence but each time I overdosed God sent someone to find me dying and call an ambulance. I used to burn whole cigarettes down on my left hand and cut myself to try and lessen the pain in my heart. I still have the burn scars on my hand but not on my heart! Jesus saved me out of all my troubles. He took away all my pain and replaced it with Peace and Joy that I never knew existed. He healed me from many addictions and healed my mind and my heart. Jesus pulled me out from the edge of hell and death and saved my life! I owe Jesus my life and now I must let Him possess me with His Holy Spirit. You see in the end you either get possessed by God or by demons. The Lord Jesus said we would know His people by their fruits or qualities and the fruits of the Holy Spirit are: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control so children of God real Christians show those qualities. If someone is hurting people and working evil they are not showing His fruits and cannot be walking in His Spirit . The Lord had mercy on me a wretched fool seeking death. He showed me Love real Love when no one else cared. Jesus loves you. And His Love brings new life everyday. The world hated Jesus Messiah so much that they murdered Him. The world will hate those who follow Jesus. But they cannot steal your Joy when you are founded on the Rock of your Salvation. Yeshua (Jesus) means Salvation (or Saviour) in Hebrew because that is what He is to all who recieve Him (Safety forever in life)! May God bless you exceedingly abundantly beyond all you see or imagine! Come Home brother and you too sister. Come Home and never fear death again.
Cant believe in this
It's hard to tell what real on YouTube nowadays. With so much editing and technology
Covid 19
It might have been a good compilation of unexplained/ ghost videos if someone hadn't thought it necessary to replay every sighting 4 times.
amazing content my guy ,I liked this video
Thats music thou
Dude the music, drop it