Rescue Stray Dog Was Shot Make Broken The Marrow & Amazing Transformation
AOn the internet, I met a person who asked for help poor dog. He just got shot down and lay motionless on the road in Noginsk. When we arrived, he lay motionless but still alive, still breathing in a hurry … When he came to the hospital, X Quang showed that: He was broken spine and bone marrow. At risk, he is disabled for the rest of his life and cannot walk. I named him Phoenix. We will help this poor soul overcome his suffering, we are determined to help him with strong love. Every day, we spend a lot of time for him, helping him regain confidence. We treat him with physiotherapy. He was constantly going in a wheelchair, swimming, walking, massage … He has overcome the exercises very well. He can run for 3 hours without getting tired. Today, Phoenix is very confident and sweet. He is very happy in the new home.
Courtesy: va_lera82 Валерия 4276️⃣3801️⃣5041️⃣1283️⃣ Мать собак и одного ребёнка Как жить с кучей собак, ребёнком и не терёхнуться ?
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Thank you for watching!
Poor baby
Yes we need more people like this in the world and more rescues of abused animals.
Sois dioses!
Lindo Angel ?❤️?? saludos desde
God bless you???????❤️??
All abusers just need to be put to death
Что случилось с левым глазиком? ((
Grazie per il vostro impegno nell'aiutare questi cani a riacquistare l'uso delle zampe ????
God bless you all!
Спасибо вам за любовь и терпение
This Will be one of your best. You're so Friendly. Also, I really want to Be youtube friends xP
Precious baby ?
We need more people in the world like this! This is amazing <3
amazing video keep up the good content
nice content you deserve more views
Rescue Stray Dog Was Shot Make Broken The Marrow & Amazing Transformation