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5:24 that dude's an python fr.
Kid was outta his senses ?
(Well deserved tho)
Brown shirt at 6:00 was looking for trouble. He bowed before a drawn Glock…trash!
Oof his puch miss
Real Marines hit back!…????
I was there at bar lol was crazy
5:55 and she saved them
the lady said “ hold up lemme move dez chairs reeeeaaal quick.”
11:17 ???????
2:26 big guy: i hope they remember u (punch)
Me: i bet he don't even remember his own name now
9:30 the guy had a peice of glass in his hand and was chasing him
Dude with the gloves looking like a ref?
2:26 that dudes arm is like 2.1m long and made of rubber. you're bound to get fucked up!!
Seriously, that thumbnail. Anyone that attempts or follows through with a head stomp should be tried for attempted murder
Guy can't even take his top off lol
The "not a marine" guy became a coward quickly!
2:35 that man is a straight coward lol
Holster your weapon officer. Also, dude…stop running.
5:30 "Let him go" yeah when you think he's got an advantage you let him go lol, when he got put in a leg lock they came right back to break up the fight
I hate it when people jump into fights this is what our ancestors been doing for the last 10 to maybe 50000 years we are born to be kick people's ass
Why American police always use gun ,such a dumb idiots
I broke his leg for swinging at me and made everyone in that gym say na na broke that leg cold ? and then I would said I play you for money know don’t cross the line if you can’t handle what happens to you
Skinny guy don’t do nothing but got poooped he keep opening his mouth
lets rock huhh
Hey, guys! Stop
Let them fight to death assholes
As long as the big dude in clip 1 is mobile that kid don't stand a chance……I dont know how u can consider yourself a man if somebody hits you in the face and you just stand there. Nobody's undefeated u win some and lose some but I'll be damned if another man is gonna assult me and I'm gonna stand there waiting for somebody to interven
Skinny bro went from tough guy talking shit to little bitch whining about shit.
Amazing when young guys think an older guy is not capable of whooping some ass.
6:13 Nice Timing
Last one are really pussy
Dude say “you’ll never play basketball again” Ice cold
Why im mad bro.. I'm sweating so bad ??
“It ain’t worth it! It ain’t worth it!” ?
Plebs in 5 star hotels
6:27 what kind of jutsu is that?
Hold on. Did understand the little guy in the second scenario saying that the bigger, fatter, guy wasn’t “no Marine?” Then the bigger, fatter guy said that he never said he was? And then, the bigger, fatter guy just bitch-punched the Marine… whose response was the shrivel up and take it, while playing the victim? Please tell me that NEITHER of these guys were military, (in ANY branch)…
“Do u got sum money” u cant even win for free?
First video- looked like dude in white shirt was gonna cry after that first hit?
"i'M a MaRInE! i'M 16 YeArS oLD! hE BrOkE mY ChAiN!"
5:00, These are the class clowns we all hate.
d odupy
The guy wifh green shirt was like-dont beat me pls dont beat me lmao
5:11 number 10 the weirdest fights in America
Kid from the second video defiantly plays fortnite
The Indian dude in the third video took off his shirt half way and put it back down. ? Then proceeded to do uneventful laps around the street. Lmao ? what is the backstory ?