Scariest Pubg Moments | GHOSTS IN PUBG

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Creepy glitches found in pubg
Does anybody think glitches are scary??? The first time I went to Glitch City it scared me like crazy, well, until I got there.From a weird man standing still on a road and ran over by a car to a weird floating creature found under the bridge….here are some reepy game glitches found on the game Player Unknown Battle Field PUBG… some of the videos were taken from various Youtube Gaming Channels …sit back and enjoy

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About the Author: Haunted Pizza


  1. Hit n run is the creepyest. He drove the car into a player. In normal pubg if u drove into a player it says"u knock out someone" or kill 3.but it says nothing

  2. First of all, all the pubgm horror list is not scary at all cause it's just a stupid glitch but for some pc footage horror list is scary in some parts like there was 1 pubgm scary list that scary, and that is the "Hit and Run"
    And some PC footage is a glitch thing so yeh ur that dumb?


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