?️ Check out Big On Spice!! : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtv-pAxgzWGSvcJgTlmUdfA?sub_confirmation=1
? Street Food Oyster Bar: https://youtu.be/azsOzC3GvJg
? 100% Durian Chips – Order Here: http://pixelfy.me/uY4K5z
Ranong (ระนอง) – Welcome to Ranong, a very pleasant city in Southern Thailand. A couple interesting things about Ranong, which is both a city and province in Thailand, is that it’s the least populated province in Thailand, and it’s located on the Kra Isthmus, the narrowest part of the Malay peninsula. It’s also a cool place to visit with some fantastic people and delicious Thai street food.
We started at the market for breakfast, walking around the friendly market and eating some street food snacks including a freshly made egg roti (โรตีไข่), sticky rice shrimp (ข้าวเหนียวหน้ากุ้), and grilled sticky rice (ข้าวเหนียวปิ้ง). Market was great.
Traditional Ice Cream (ร้านไอติม ประเสริฐสงค์) – This is one of the most classic Thai ice cream shops that specializes in hardened raw egg ice cream (ไอติมไข่แข็ง) – 40 THB
Take Off Your Shoes Restaurant (ร้านถอดรองเท้า) – Next up on this Ranong Thai food tour we went to a legendary restaurant literally called “Take Off Your Shoes.” Funny enough, you don’t need to take off your shoes to eat here… but it must have a history!
Shrimp stink beans กุ้งผัดกะปิสะตอ
Fern salad ยำผักกูด
Sour curry, taro stems แกงส้มออดิบ
Soft shell crab ปูนิ่มทอดกระเทียม
Total price – 850 THB ($26.25)
Som Chok Restaurant (ร้านสมโชค) – Finally, to end this meal, we drove a little outside of town to a countryside Thai restaurant known for curries and especially for stink beans. We had a little stink bean overdose, and it was wondrous!
Stink beans สะตอผักกะปิ
Chicken turmeric ไก่ต้มขมิ้น
Pork ribs curry แกงเคี่ยวพริกกระดูกหมู
Fried pork หมูทอดเกลือ
Total price – 800 THB (24.69 USD)
That completes this Thai street food tour of Ranong, Thailand. It’s a pleasant town, very friendly, easy to go around, charming, and you’ll find some delicious and unique street food.
?100% Real Durian Chips – Order Here:
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Do you ever just go eat with your wife without the camera?
I’m dying to eat Egg ice cream. That’s the best ice cream ever !
Another recommendations'
Why don't you show more of mica he getting so big
Micah has grown so much, and when he said yummy it was adorable. Food looks mmmm good.
Ur family is happy family sir i likes your son so intresting to see u again
I love your videos… I'm your friend n HESPERIA Calif n San bernadino county near victorville and Vegas at 16478 juniper St. Apt B HESPERIA Calif. 92345
Love you Ying and Micah!
all waiters are Myanmar
احلى لايك بالتوفيق والنجاح الدائم ???????
Amazing video as always Mr Wiens ? I have been thinking about the risks with eggs. Have you encountered problems with eggs that maybe get bad in the heat? Might get salmonella from that. Have you any tips to prevent issues like that? I have experienced it and it wasn't fun. Fun story to tell but not that good for the trip itself haha.
He s all time Hungry
this man s just hungry, he ,s doesn't meter test of food, he want to every thing for eats,
Mark Wiens ‘ your face is always happy when see always good foods ‘ your wife ever cook for you ?
Hello sabai di you have face book
Salfok ama pete, sukaaaaaaaaa sekali pete, sambel gak pakek pete kurang mantuuuuuL
Helllo mark is the best best video wooiw very very good
Nakung is nasi kuning?
Look so good
It's a a little sweet = Mark just being too nice when in reality he's thinking its gross
India food is best?I love my india
Best Food vlogging ..
Best Food vlogging ..
Ranong…near kawtaung south of myanmar
Iam ever to ranong..
Little city…but so cool……
Mark : Are the stink beans kind of like a green lima bean. Do they really STINK??
Thumbnail looks like grannies drawers
Stink beans eh ?.. I think I'll try them ??
def thought this was about rotten eggs
hold the flies……
Micah how is the roti? Micah: YUMMY!! 😀
Your are in ✡✡✡✡✡✡✡????????????????????????????
Micah your so cute, when you get older you should have your own vlog. Ying you're a good wife. Thanks Mark for awesome video.
waiter makeup face looks funny..hahhahah
plz show mica some some time
11:11 im waiting to put some chili flakes on the ice cream
Roti is indonesia speak this is a bread
Oh yeahhh I wanna all food and ice cream he had in this video!!! ??? you just got a new subscriber here Mark ?