This is why Females in the Military would be such a great idea, we will see so many new Movies of Females carrying x amount of hurt soldiers back to safety as well as all the other great things they will copy that Men did in the past. Now all they need to do is work out how to make a cannon shoot lol 3:40
The dog isn't drunk?
Ever since marijuana became legal, there has been an exponential increase in these type of videos popping up everywhere.
This is why Females in the Military would be such a great idea, we will see so many new Movies of Females carrying x amount of hurt soldiers back to safety as well as all the other great things they will copy that Men did in the past.
Now all they need to do is work out how to make a cannon shoot lol 3:40
The dog isn't drunk?
Ever since marijuana became legal, there has been an exponential increase in these type of videos popping up everywhere.
1:35 AAA Certified Repair Shop
i find 5:16 and the one after oddly satisfying
the 2nd with the prank and the guy getting sprayed in blue, is utterly funny
If your going to steal clips from other peoples videos at least get rid of their shitty music.
3:02 хоть колодку бы подставить
I cant work out if the guy at 30-50 is trying to do demolition or construction?
столбы посреди дороги в Росси норма.
It's the guy with the corn tractor for me ?
die vent met die knuppel……verzuip maar…..dierenbeul !!!!!!!!!!
@ 3:40– Wrong person for the job.
Really hard to watch
0/20 nul
God people are stupid
hello Guys
lass den fischmörder ersaufen !
why am I watching this?
The best idiot in the world????
Lol hell yeah, I would of jumped off the barge too.
Some of those may have involved alcohol consumption
Speechless. OMG
4:14 you shouldn't wear this uniform
3:13 – "I'm a woman and I'm better than any MAN… Why can't I fire the big gun?"
4:13 – (that's right, a full minute later) "That's why."
Idk which was dumber. The chick not putting any butt into it or the dude walking in front of the cannon.
My pick was the guy hammering the wooden poles and getting himself stuck-kinda like sawing off the branch one is sitting on.
7:58 Give up the ship, but not the hope
I cringed when I saw those clowns with that electric power saw in the water. One slip and they would all be electrocuted!
the guy at 6:00 .. BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
The dog driving the tractor looked like the most competent one. At least the dog didn't seem to be drunk!
Очень порадовал парень с диском сцепления.)))
Hahaha..I enjoyed the hell out of this video.