Compilation of total fails on the road by bad drivers – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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#cctube #car #roadrage #drive
0:54 that's how my cousin died
1:24 wild speed
Lái xe kém quá
어느나라나 개빙신들은 있군
I hate idiots driver .. cause so many problems..
Do Russians have insurance? Or do they go on their merry way with..injuries…head..durp..goodnight
The riches men in russia are crash repairers
Russia needs to repaint existing lines on roads , and paint moor on other roads……even that wont stop them from crashing
Russian drivers really redefine stupidity……
0:54 the beat timing tho
2:50 – что за херня ?!?! Автор уверен , что в этом месте два ряда?!?
Russia would be a fantastic study on the results of fetal alcohol syndrome.
When 145 mph is too slow for snow covered roads…brakes are not an option!
In Russia people don’t use breaks to slow down
They use other Cars
All these people suffered so that we could enjoy the video ;]
Most videos coming from Russia and USA. Lol
I believe Russia must have more than enough bad drivers in all of Europe.
The second clip, if the driver of the car was injured, serves them right!!
На 0:30 это город Нижневартовск, по Ленина возле уюта
È impossibile: sbattono in rettilineo a 40 km/h. Hanno una predisposizione. ???
Ahahahahahahah RUSSIA the worst!!! ???
Ahhhhh Russians… You know, we spent all those years of the cold war afraid, only to now learn that if they drive planes and tanks as badly as they drive cars we wouldn't have had any damned thing to worry about…
Looks like towing companies and car repair companies will never run out of good business in Russia and China lol
Minum arak
2:16 жд вокзал Кострома
Man, these people tickle my pickle
1:55 I take it this driver must be half asleep while driving. I'm used to have accident like that.
Stupidity has it's own rewards. ?
Study the driver's handbook, learn and OBEY the rules of the road, and PAY ATTENTION!!
Wth. . In Russia do they even take driving classes and running the red light is the unverisal code for idiots.
Seeing the spare tire fall out from under that dump truck makes me wonder how badly salt corrosion affects vehicles in Russia vs in North America.
4:00 hi, I'd like to talk to you about our lord and savior Jesus….
Russians are the beasts driver
I'd be curious to know, what does auto insurance cost in Russia. The car wreckage numbers there are insane.
0:45 lmao rip the Alphard 🙁
0:14: sign: im out