This video shows examples of driving fails, road rage and various interesting moments caught on the dash cam – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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The best collection of car video caught on Dash Cam from around the world. On this channel you will find a large selection of videos on various topics of car: idiot drivers, road rage, driving fails, close calls, instant karma, and many other collections. All pleasant viewing! Recent compilations every day!.
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#cctube #car #roadrage #drive
6:38 the car hit so hard that the screen pressed itself…
Reality: +100
Want to know why Your premium is so high it’s because of these idiots!! In every video.
5:44 again an accident because russians save on lights in the city lol
3:07 and many more.. they dont have lights in Russia , all crossways are like…i maybe go maybe not? Why there arent green orange and red lights in the city?
I think my favorite thing about these videos is that the pedestrians seem so unconcerned and just keep walking, many of them after having dodged for their lives.
@8:05 – I see everything falls off the back of a truck in Russia.
these are Not 2021. clickbait.
Brakes are seldom used in Russia.
Nobody on Earth crashes quite as spectacularly as Russia, its incredible.
Thank you Russia
Technical question: How many bottles of vodka are recommended before driving in Russia?
How did you get all of these stuffs?? 😀
Thank you always for the nice videos!
The russian compilations will always be my favorite. I hate the US compilations because they put text on crash after crash.
After all these ruskie vidz i can now can swear in Rusian
I think it's interesting that there are two very different schools of thought between Russia and North America. Here, in North America, our attitude towards driving is more utilitarian, we just drive to get from point A to point B, it's kind of boring, but in Russia, driving seems to be much more competition based, so their style is also more exciting with their attitude of having to get there first, to beat the other guy at all costs, which produces some very spectacular accidents and is much more entertaining to watch. Most of our accident videos are tame compared to most of their videos, it's all about style and attitude.
The same crash shown from 2 different cams was a nice touch. bet those don't come around too often.
Jednak opony zimowe mają znaczenie
3:20 käunäst zäh leitz ^^
$´pönCH xD
Will the rocket accidentally be launched???
IQ 35
Russian cars don't stop unless they hit something
Snow and ice on the road but let's just floor it. What can go wrong?
Meanwhile in Russia …
Hells bells, Russian drivers must have a short life expectancy. How can they even get a licence. Completely bizarre! Even the police aren't much better.
10 1/2 mins of idiot drivers.
2:30 вертухаи под копов попали, красиво нагнут)
pathetic how youtube has eaten out all good crash compilations by demonetizing anything that has "car crash" in it … no wonder all channels are renaming their crash compilation videos to "driving fails" … we are living in era of SNOWFLAKES who find everything too harsh … soon you're not allowed to talk or write at all, some teletubbie snowflake might just get hurt and die from simple words.
Спасибо за видео. Какие же дегенераты. Забрать права навсегда.
Hmm… Drive fast i cities are not a smart handling… even on iceroads. ..
I don't imagine there are many drivers around the world who can say they've been hit by a missile…
5:03 – that is why I never steer away. Why the fuck would you ruin someone else's day? Hit the idiot, not the innocent. Also, do that on a high speed road and you're dead. Very dangerous reflex.
You even get in trouble with the police, the guilty driver can just drive away and for the police you're at fault, you just steered right into oncoming traffic, you get a ticket, maybe even license suspended, you repair the car with your own money and all that to avoid hitting the guilty driver… no, no, no, NO!!!
9:18 Don't have to call the cops. Nice
Russian throttles have 2 positions it seems. Welded to the floor or disengaged, regardless of conditions.
And a nice "blyat train" at the end 😉