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Compilation of total fails on the road by bad drivers – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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The best collection of car video caught on Dash Cam from around the world. On this channel you will find a large selection of videos on various topics of car: idiot drivers, road rage, driving fails, close calls, instant karma, and many other collections. All pleasant viewing! Recent compilations every day!.

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About the Author: Admin


  1. Also wenn man diese Videos sieht (auch wenn sie nicht aus Deutschland sind, nur bei uns siehts ja genauso aus) dann wäre man echt dafür, alle Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkungen aufzuheben – 80% der Schilder zu entfernen, aber dafür wirklich drakonische Strafen für Verkehrsvergehen und Unfälle zu verhängen – und zwar je nach Situation sogar mit Haftstrafen, wenn man so manche Sachen sieht. Ich fahre ja auch schnell – aber schnell fahren, und denkbefreit fahren, sind 2 verschiedene Dinge. Und das schnelle Fahren, hat den Vorteil, dass man da umso aufmerksamer sein muss, und auf Fehler anderer vorbereitet sein mus.

  2. 7:24 I don't understand why some people, having the right of way, stop to yield, even if the other car is completely stopped. Dude seriously! Why?
    7:38 Another reason why I don't like automatic transmissions.

  3. 6:46 Для чего вот эта хрень на крыше устанавливается понты не понты
    стоит как крыло от самолёта
    Багажник не багажник8

  4. A lot of these look intentional..n lemme tell ya if I had one more day to live I would drive just like that. Sometimes u just wanna give em exactly what they're asking for.

  5. 2:13
    And thats why you dont leave more than a car length between you and the car infront. The semi ended up with less breaking distance because cammer didnt pull directly behind the car infront.

    I always hate being behind someone who does this, ive had to hit the breaks last second, harder than expected because other drivers dont expect you to leave so much distance at a light.

  6. 3:17 i have never seen that vw model before and i live in germany ^^ and he should not have passed the cammer so he could see the pedestrians on the crosswalk. i did not see them until after the crash

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