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Amazon Links for the products I use if you’re interested:
Link for Thrustmaster 16000M: https://amzn.to/2PQGYf2
Link for Trackir 5: https://amzn.to/2VSN4kt
Link for Warthog throttle/stick: https://amzn.to/2Vbfhyp
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrowlingAim9
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My Computer Specs Including Head Tracking and HOTAS Throttle/Joystick:
HP OMEN 880-130 – Windows 10
Intel Core i7-8700K
GTX 1080 Ti
HeadTracker: Trackir5
Thrustmaster F/A-18C Hornet stick and Warthog Throttle.
If you enjoy war thunder or Microsoft flight simulator 2020, consider getting yourself into Digital Combat Simulator by Eagle Dynamics, the Combat side of Aviation with the BVR and Dogfights really provides a different and interesting perspective on aviation. You can fly all kinds of combat aircraft including the F-16, F-15, F-14, JF-17, Su-27, Mig-29, Mirage and the F-18 Hornet along with many other aircraft and helicopters like the Ka-50 and Mi-8.
Check out the Merch Store: https://teespring.com/stores/growling-sidewinder-store
Link to some of the videos you see in this Video Below:
JF-17 Vs F-15: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6M_HHNeKpg&
A-4 Vs Harrier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kX9HZlmBfCw&
F-5 vs Mig-29 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wa4GfcP1X1M&
Aim9x 2.7 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUHPD26Kckc&
Gripen Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwd5itBWcj8&
F-15 Gun Kill New Clouds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tz4fZ0i7Nmk&
Growling Sidewinder and being shot in the face.
Name a better duo.
"we can't even penetrate" FTWinningNooooo….
Lol that scream at the first blood though.. ???
I've watched this before, and I'm watching it again… just a great clip of awwwww-shit moments 🙂
3:30 "I gotta pull a bit harder so those missiles can't turn. That missile is turning…" BLAM
what makes these moments so funny is that his voice is so calm yet you can feel every emotion and then boom killed in action.
the 1st kill was so beautiful
Oh that's not jammed. Lol
Oh yeah, That was the best park of my day!
1:12 traduct from Portugues Brazil to english if you get curious.
Foi uma jogada de gênio, ele diminuiu a velocidade do caça e quando estava apenas sendo sustentado sem os motores ele propositalmente empinou o bico do mesmo para ele ficar em estol e cair, assim, diminuindo a velocidade ele ficaria acima do caça inimigo, e estolando ele poderia cair diretamente e metralhar o jato abaixo (com certeza ele aproveitou o fato dessa dogfight ser a uns 20 ou 30 mil pés).
I find difficulty in playing game on keyboard
You Should have ADDED THAT F14 cobra shot against F18Superhornet .
3:34 that missiles Turing
what are the songs you use for the slow mo parts???
is there explosion mod or montage?
what plane did you fly on 3.50?
This video cracked me up xD
3:32 that missle cant turn… that missle IS TURNIN
4:27 That SU-30 just pulled horizontal Cobra on him.
Look at this it recovers
Goose dies 6:51
Thrustvektorbullshit …there You see 😉 …
it’s Not a bulsshit ?it’s very effektive .
That F14 Flatspin was Hillarious!
"Hey Trazyn!"
"Hello Algorythm."
"I KNOW you do not play DCS, but wanna watch guys get Clapped in cool ways for like 12 minutes?"
"Will there be Belka levels of bullshit?
Dat eagle pulling ace combat shit
we're okay we're okay..
* flatspins *
oh no we're not, get out get out
* punches out *
* plane recovers on its own *
but seriously you were so up high . how long it took to descend down to the ground?
1vs1 is interesting. Can you imagine how tactics changes when there is 2vs or 4vs4
You can't just hang out at low speed chansing someone at big angle of attack. Everything should be very dynamic? otherwise another(third) guy can get you.
Pretty much all of these were tragically great. But the first words uttered when faded into the huey cockpit… I felt that.
i want a buddy thats flying with me, too:(
Good content. I dont play this game but its absolutely great to watch like dogfights on discovery channel i understand some of the moves. You taught me alot though lol
As close to a horror jumpscare as you will get in DCS, though. What a move.