On 7th Street, Dekalb, illinois. – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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The best collection of car video caught on DashCam from around the world. On this channel you will find a large selection of videos on various topics of car: idiot in cars, road rage, driving fails, close calls, instant karma, and many other compilations. All pleasant viewing! New compilation every day!.
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#cctube #car #roadrage #drive #idiotincars
Dud looks like a whiney libtard
This is a bit of a warning about having a Bluetooth or other device clipped to the sun visor, if it's heavy is going to hurt.
Good thing he wasn't taking a sip of hot coffee.
Really? What is this, the video version of single serving slices? One lame capture does not make a good video.
He sounds English to me. That's why he got out the car faster than a rat up a drainpipe. Gonna have some!
It's now becoming illegal ? to even hold a cellphone while driving.
If your dashcam is losing the date/time setting before 48 hours goes by, then the RTC battery has gone bad. Those can be had from AliExpress for very little money but need soldering. If you get the battery any good phone or PC repair shop can install it- 5 minute job.
"fuck me" the universal phrase that means "someone just hit my automobile with their automobile"
Right where I live lol
Константин Никольский сильно изменился )))))
Don’t leave your blinker on. They don’t know when you are going to break. Distance seems further on a dash cam. Both at fault.
"FACK ME!" ?????????#safedrivestayalive
He sounded like he’s Australian.
A guarantee they were on the phone because if they was paying attention they would’ve seen the car slowing down people like this sometimes make me not even wanna leave the house
i try to be very careful about proper signaling … leaving a signal on makes other drivers complacent… i even double, triple tap the brake for added strobe effect in case someone's not paying attention
It's a bit of a pity true guy ??
NEVER get out of the car immediately after an impact like that.
0:26 F*** ME! ?
That whiplash looked bad
Fuck Me ?
Во очкарику не повезло
If anyone knows the context of this video, please elaborate.