Compilation of total fails on the road by bad drivers – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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#cctube #car #roadrage #drive #idiotincars
7:53 2-for-1 Tire Deal!
4:32 That's an average day in DC rush hour traffic.
got any American Videos That was NOT Recorded in Mexico ???
3:43 the white car was like: "nope that is not allowed" 🙂
А дураки во всём мире одинаковые…
Driving by contact… nice thing for a society but horror for all insurance companies.
7:10 where is the problem? Driver of white car have a shi** view from there, he see car coming and stoped. Because nearly everyone drives around and when the white car dont stop, it would be his fault.
last clip, ‘em tires walk away like macho guy
It just baffles me as to how blind people are able to get a driver's license. I mean…how are they supposed to see a red light or a stop sign???
reeally bad
People who do wrong while driving and honk at you piss me off.
???? Parabéns ótimo vídeo
Nice video but hope no deaths!
Don't know who needs to hear this, stop saving money and make Investments
Apparently, to pass the driving test in Russia you have to drive like a drunk 15 year old in a stolen car.
They way Russians just turn or pull into traffic and just hope for the best is AMAZING. " I hope nothing Is COMIN…" CRUNCH!
4:40 and 7:00 are same accident from a different point of view
3:43 Did THAT, on purpose…………
1:50 Lampost: "I'm out…….."
5:22 forza horizon 5 new ingame content ???
5:22 forza horizon 5 new ingame content ???
4:25 you already see what the white SUV is gonna do…
How many of these crashes end in death….hopefully none??
Everyone buying bitcoin, stocks, metals… I'm going to open an auto paint and body shop in Russia ?
Most of the drivers must be blind…or drunk…ok…just stupid could also be an option…
2:07 Aww his precious ego was hurt, let's all pull over and have a picnic together.
Road rules what road rules
After watching dozens of these, I have decided Russian cars don't come with brakes and no one pays for the option. You rarely see brake lights and I swear they often hit the gas to get the biggest impact possible.
Udan udan udan luurr
4:37 родной Тамбов?
The first one was weird. Even tho you were not involved,you are now
Way back in the 1960s, as a kid I kept reading popular science magazines that were promising that in the future we'd all be driving atomic powered cars. Never have I been so glad that a prediction has failed. Can you imagine all the radioactivity there would be Russia and China as a result of driving like this?
I can see the ad now: "Buy the new Lada Chernobyl Strontium-90 today. Minumum training required. Just pull on the control rods, and it does the rest automatically!"
0:00 song-Endless War
Within Temptation
The first one was like let me get in this action too.
1:36 – What's the 'what were they thinking' process going on here? They're turning left, and another vehicle is also turning left. Do they think, "They're going to be ages – I may as well overtake" – does this happen a lot??! In overtaking (or undertaking) they obviously can't see any vehicles approaching – do they think, "the car sat there can't be waiting for another vehicle – they must be having a picnic."
They must see the oncoming car. Do they think, "Meh – he'll stop – I've got right of way as I'm turning left and he can obviously see that".
So many questions….
wow well done
Hi sir from chile!
Одни и те же видео по всем подобным каналам. Но ты отстаешь, всё это (русское имею ввиду) уже неделю назад видел на другом канале подборок дтп с видеорегистраторов.
5:30 – ♫ Counting the cars on the New Jersey Turnpike ♫
Good Wednesday afternoon to you sir from Wellington Somerset in the UK