Its Monday which means its time for Boat Fails of the Week brought to you by Haulover Inlet!
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00:00 Launching a boat with no tires @aaronjames1987
00:15 2wd life @dougi3_128
00:32 Hip Check @shortbuschris
01:02 That’s my wave! @pedro.robalinho
01:20 Leg day! @___hammy___
01:36 Hard knot life @brittanimorris_
01:48 Heads up! @mcnallyfreediver
02:01 Tables turned @blue chum
02:10 When in doubt power out @flyingladytours
02:33 High and dry @asxwolf_ts
02:44 Stored with the plug in @bduboislife
02:55 Hope you packed a lunch! @andrew.zalewa
03:01 Whoops! @john.s.wynn
03:09 Stuck at the beach @jamthomp
03:31 Pied piper @johnnyb_iii
04:07 Bad idea!
04:28 Trim down for what @captain_mike_t
04:41 MEMES
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#boatfails #epic #sinking
Plus the sailboat has a keel
The fact I just pasted my boat test 1 hour ago I am dying of laughter because this is what it said exactly not to do
It's port, not left when you're dissing a qualified captain.
Best part of this whole video is the wheel barrow converted into a boat 😀
Do they not sell 4wd trucks in the south?
In this dayof modern technology their ability to read depth sounders and chart plotters is faulty to get stuck on sand bars.
Nice push moment.
This generation shoould be neutered so it doesnt spread!
If she puts her ( back) into it, she's gonna flip it, lol
Why no steering?
Gona film myself saying qualified.
Bad place to hang anchor rope
Heeeeyyyyy, an Amish boat trailer ???
Guess the thumbnail booty was this channel’s sister.
When I bought a car 4 yr ago I made sure it had a trailer hitch and 4wd for my boat.
I just bought my first boat a couple months ago. So glad I got the 4wd !!!
Women's swimwear stinks
I bet that 2nd girl with the ba-donka-donk could probably get that thing moving.
how many offshore "fish hunters" were stabbed by swordfishes till now?
4:25 be a Genuine person "tie it up" but you Absolute 3 metre Flat Head Dog!! You got ya Phone! Hope you Travel in Life knowING That your the Man.
P.O.S. In my eye's
people have been impaled by swordfish and even died it's crazy to see it come flying in the boat
All I saw was a bunch of "boaters" with absolutely no boating skills at all.
its so sad. such beautiful boats that people like me could never afford. and they just take it for granted and destroy them =(
My dad used to fume every time he saw someone's trailered outboard with the skeg riding just a foot off the asphalt. He never trusted the metal tilt support on his Merc 500, either. For trips, he used a foam-padded 2×4 to support the tilted engine.
Surely you have to wonder about the mentality of the guy in the first clip??? Should he be even driving?? ?
Memes are a great way to finish your funny video.
This is one of the best videos I have seen in a long time, allot of work putting it together, thanks……….
Do people realize that they have to back their trailer in enough for their boat to slightly float off?
"All the gear: no idea"
OMG!!! The girl @ 1:35 is trying to be a Darwin Award winner. She's looping rope, AROUND HER NECK, on a MOVING BOAT!!!! One wrong move and they will be trying to recover the body AND the head, and not necessarily in the same boat. "How stupid can you be?" is a QUESTION, folks, NOT A CHALENGE!!!!
Years ago dj’s in Milwaukee bob & brian gave me this idea go to the boat launch with a nice full cooler and just watch
1:00 he kill anyone??
qu'est ce que c'est mal filmé !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NUL !!!!!!!!!!!
Amazing : in the US, it looks they never put fenders ont the sides to protect the hull.
Stealing videos I see
It is truly sad to see just HOW STUPID PEOPLE HAVE BECOME
All that junk in the trunk at the pontoon should get some kind of Movement !
Funny how the phone said music when the double tantem trailer with rims departed
The first guy said screw you guys I’m going home
Thong Island ??
1st clip- Fred Flintstone goes boating