Actors without Oscar – Insurance Scams Fail on Dash Cam – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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#cctube #car #roadrage #drive
GTA SA pedestrians when I'm driving next to them
These scammers are pissing me off!! They just want to steal money from hard working people. ???
4:42 Now that's the real business! ???
7:23 when a funny prank goes wrong
Videos like this are an excellent reminder why everyone should have front and rear Dash cameras.
Is this a common thing in those areas??
if you're going to get scammed then just run over them anyway. 'silver lining'. also, some of these might be the world's worst (funniest?) suicide fails!
Imagine one of these guys is your family member and you are ill in the hospital and the doctor gives him/her a choice of pressing the ''BUTTON'' that will end your life or to pay the inheritance money that he/she will receive. Press or No press?
Are you sure some of these are insurance scam attempts? Some look more like suicides – who jumps under a bus in front of heaps of people and expects to gain anything? Also, when somebody runs you over – while you’re jaywalking, nowhere near a pedestrian crossing, how is that a driver’s fault? You’re not supposed to be in the middle of the road, you’re supposed to be on a sidewalk and only cross where it’s legal. Maybe Russia and China, or whatever the Asian country was, don’t have these kind of sensible laws in place?
That last one she is working too hard at it . The insurance company will call her nuts, ??????
Wie dreist diese Dummspacken sind?
A lot of crazies in China I see!
Shameless China!
I guess this is the reason why some china drivers just ram them over and reverse, and then ram them over again just to make sure they dead.
This is a scumbags, a very bad but dangerous scammers and can ruin a life of someone distrated .
They must to be punhish on hard way,, go out the car and given something hard to remembered all life and every time they do this.
All of them from china.
Вышел отпиздил его еще раз и за ремонт взял всю зарплату
Keep driving
Dem Bub gehört der Sack gefaltet …..
Svet je poln idiotov!
make a new rule: people that have dashcam and uncover scammers can go over them becouse theyre useless for the community, lets help thanos guys
Ne trovi di gente rincoglionita
Every one of thier faces should be plastered around town and put on the news with the clip as well as a record of them trying this so if they do get hit and try and claim it can be shown they are a scammer , if you get cought steeling its on your record so if they have proof you have tryed to scam you wil never get a settlement even if you truly get hit , if i had a dash cam and someone attempted this you can bet they wouldnt be walking home when i was done with them , you want to hurt let me help ya
That's the desperation for an extra loaf of bread.
2:08 She just wants to cuddle. Be the big spoon and lie down with her.
What a bunch of nut jobs ??
Why is it so common in China?
China should really start its sterilization program.
그중 러시아가 중국보단 연기력이 나음.
Model kayak gini,organ dalamny sok km panen PKT….????
If you want my insurance money, at least let me hit you for real.
That last one! Wow…
Очень жаль что запрещен отстрел животных, даже если они бешеные! 🙁
That is the post covid syndrom. 🙂
Bloody parasites. Turn the cameras off, then run over them properly – do the world a favour.
Seems the orientals have taken a basic western practice and tried to perfect it… pity they didn’t think about the dashcams..???
Communist country
8:22….. ???????
Be funny if the people in the car had some mace.
Pero donde es eso?? Y porq hacen esa estupides
Just run over them…who care these bastard
all old videos seen them years ago
best argument yet for camming
The first guy is just hilarious. How would a car hit the top of your head in a real life scenario? ??
7:30 get out of truck and smash his teeth all over the road