Compilation of total fails on the road by bad drivers – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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#cctube #car #roadrage #drive
1:49 в моем родном городе было, каждый день перехожу эту дорогу, хах
Cudowni są kierowcy niedzielni
There is no substitute for a little bit of common sense.
If you are on the OUTSIDE lane of a traffic circle then that means you are turning RIGHT at the first exit. QED.
Don’t like roundabouts
Soci ogg
Subtitles, we need Subtitles.
Russian dialogues are great, especially if you know what they are talking about. Especially this one 2:42
3:14 what a poorly designed intersection…. bad bad bad
We need a national do not drive day in the US. Too many people and too many cars.
1:21 I'd like to speak to your manager
ты че с огнем играешь? пиздец тоже блатные
0:37 and 1:38 are the same accident, just from different angles
If I lived in Russia I’d drive a T34. Old but almost safe enough to survive Russian traffic.
The kid on the scooter bout gave me a heart attack! ?
Sería conveniente que los rusos aprendieran de una vez, para qué sirven los pasos de peatones, los espejos retrovisores de los coches y los semáforos !
The woman after leaving the car that rolled-over: 'Sir, have you seen my brain ?'
2:40 ça c'est bien !
comment ça c'est fini ?
0:28 ça c'est un beau "peeling"
quand on joue au con ! faut pas chercher !
1:10 and she is like "why?". She doesn't even know that was her fault lmao where does this people learn to drive? Need for Speed?
1:05 I'm glad the dude in the silver car had his seatbelt on.
I miss the real Russian road rages with guns and baseball bats
I thought you Europeans knew how to use traffic circles. Apparently some don't.
That one black SUV drove into that pole like a boss!
Oh cool the video at 1:40 is the opposite angle of the earlier video. I was wondering what the hell happened in the earlier video. The 1:40 video shows you how it happened but 100% does nothing to explain why it happened haha
Roundabouts are idiot cryptonite.
The girl at 1:05..I would have performed cpr right right away 🙂
Prawo jazdy dostała za świniaka jako łapówkę
Russia dumbest land of Earth
0:14 The right music suited for the situation ???
Autobody shops in Russia must make a fortune.
That girl that rolled, "Dazed and Confused".
oochkie boochkie doochkie!!!!!!!!!!!
I love how much brain the last guy doesn't have
Те кто-то встречке едут и создают аварийную ситуацию, ловить их и битой по морде. Торопыги
@ 0:48 some people may think that the outer lane has to exit a traffic circle after one exit. For passenger vehicles, yes. For long frame/axle commercial vehicles they have to stay in the outer lane the whole time other wise they will hit vehicles in the outer lane (regardless how many exits they pass before exiting the circle).
Too much vodka?
0:25 ok that car shouldn't have done that but the van driver should be arrested for cornering him on purpose
Why are most of these Russian drivers? ?
4:40, che goduria il SUV nero che si pianta contro il palo!!!
Some people have trouble driving a straight single lane road ,when you add multiple lanes ,intersections and roundabouts look out !
6:09 "Oh crap, there goes my car again… damn thing is always driving off without me."
1:10 "What do you mean I can't make a right turn from the left lane, right in front of a truck? Don't I have the right of way and EVERYONE has to stop for me?"
No, honey, just no.
0:16 "Whatever, I do what I want!"
Truck: "I don't think so, poindexter. Eat some guardrail."
1:10 she got out like its happened before. Not again…