Dramatic footage shows the moment a passenger jet hits a bridge before crashing into a river in Taiwan.
Read more: http://news.sky.com/story/1420879/nine-dead-dozens-trapped-after-plane-crashes
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That’s where I’d call it a day and go back to bed
If the driver was having constipation problems, they were cured in that moment.
imagine filming that
the piolet did a little trolling
reality check…
ISO 3166-2 International Organization for Standardization ISO code. Retrieved 2020-08-26. Short name TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA. taiwan is included as a subdivision of China because of its political status within the United Nations, as, even though it is de facto under the jurisdiction of the Republic of China instead of the People's Republic of China, the United Nations does not recognize the Republic of China and considers taiwan as part of China. In ISO 3166-1, taiwan is listed as "Taiwan, Province of China"
It’s truly saddening to watch however that looked like a transport plane not a passenger aircraft… I may be mistaken though.. still a tragic accident can someone tell me more about it
My worst fear
Pilot thought he was in a flight simulator so he went GTA style, but R.I.P to the non survivors.
It looks like something out of a movie.
Imagine the rapture..
Well this is fake
They're All Dead
I was in that plane
professional pilot: makes little mistake, and crashes
me in my dreams, never flew a plane before: am pro
I would of had a heart attack
Man I've never seen aluminum smash concrete like that?
Those poor people on board must of been terrified
The plane crashed due to an operating error. It cut through the elevated road, away from the buildings, and crashed into the soft mud of a shallow river. As a result, the death toll has been drastically reduced.
that's really big tho what does it even sound like and why is the color all greyy–
Holy mackerel Almost hit those building too holy smoke
i wanted to watch this. then paused. i just cannot erase this video out of my mind if I travel. this is horrifying just watching the thumbnail imagining the fear of passengers in that plane
This is clearly fake
Did people die on airplane
when i lose control in flight simulator and tried to land on a bridge
"jet" with propellors
I never thought scene from the movie "knowing" happened in real life
Thats weird, according to 9/11 physics the airplane should have sliced through the bridge.
Alas, passenger jets don't have propellers
that’s actually crazy
It's not a jet.
When the plane hits it looks fake
haha funny noises
ATRs are not jets. They are Turboprops
How do we know it wasn't the earth that crashed into the plane?
Freakish sight
So cool very nice video bruther ?
Its a turbo prop
Those are turbo props not turbofans or turbojets.
Uh oh
Omg are they okay?!?! ????
Edit: oh was it fake???