15 Most Insane Natural Phenomena Caught On Camera
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If you’re in awe over seeing natural disasters, there’s hailstorms, volcanoes, avalanches and lots of other scary and powerful natural forces in today’s video. And sometimes, a lucky person captures some amazing footage of nature acting crazy, and we bet you’ve not seen some of these before. So now get ready to check out these natural disasters caught on camera!
For copyright matters please contact us at: miniminter1992.29@gmail.com
So this dude sounds like this YouTuber named brew but this dude is just with more energy
Guadalajara is not desert, yes, we have desert in Mexico, the nort part of the country has a lot of desert, but Guadalajara is in the middle and there is not desert at all.
I just want to know like how so they clean up lava? Like what Is the protocol for that? Or do they just count the area affected as a loss and don’t go back?
Nature strikes back
2020 was the worst year for Philippines, I swear
I leav in Norway
Thumbnail got me like ? wtf ?????✌?
Very cool video
My grandma lives in Thailand wait….. O no grandmaaaaaaa!!!!!!
Water spouts are also really common in Siesta Key Florida, and every time we go on vacation there, we see them touch water.
Is a super typhoon the same thing as a hurricane
I am from Philippine
Not so much music though. I don't watch Spielberg movies.
Every degree increase of air temperature, it can hold 17% more water- hence severe rain events.
Yeah but when there is more heat energy in climate systems, everything become more intense. It all comes down to heat energy. Ask the insurance companies and their payouts? Things are much worse. Too much old co2 that had been locked away is now free and the lifecycles cannot not take it out as the systems already full and in balance from life and for life- The carbon cycle is full already.
You need to stop calling it 'mother nature.' It's the result- the extremes, is caused my mankind burning the ancient high energy store of hydrocarbons.
Please do some more research ??
If I am wrong ….the most dangerous and strongest cyclone was cat 5 cyclone "Winston" – 2016, Fiji
Part of that hail storm also hit Missouri our house was TORE UP my mom had to get a new car because hail had hit the roof so hard that the dent had made a crack and Inside was just water. We had to get siding, roof which we replaced not even a year before, windows, shutters, exc. the hail has baseball to softball size
While smoking pot and doing research at MIT today,then we looked at the most fascinating thumbnail, when I saw that picture I thought to myself how can nine children bleed ? that much
Time to move away from the Phillipines
Aha you should hear of the fires in bc
Conclusion: in 2020 Nature wanted us gone lol
Visit philippines on ber month its like Christmas but theres a chance theres a typhoon in ber months
Oh no???????
How recent these events are, scares me a little.
California fires are mostly human created. Either through negligence, accidents or those awesome people who don't live here but drive around starting them to "own the libs".
Those assholes need to be drawn and quartered on prime time.
You have a boring YouTube channel you didn’t make YouTube channels you’re just watching them how to make your own punk
casually outside looking at hail during tornado
I appreciate this man actually pronouncing guadalajara (and the other Spanish locations) correctly, the cringing I do every time a white person tries to pronounce a Spanish word without research ?
Is it just me or is the constant talking kinda detracting from this? Like, the video is cool and all, but it's distracting.
The rain "bombs" sure look like they were filmed in the Arizona desert (@ 6:52–6:56)
The monsoon storms can often be fimed as they just seem to open up and dump huge amounts of water.
Oh, if only what happened in the first video could happen to california.
God is mad!!! There is the proof, can't deny that,or this truths!!! Smh
I for some reason I was kinda scared of the water spouts thing for some reasons like I felt like it was like right in front of me for some reason
Mute the audio and just watch.
So just forget about Australia right
I think you got the wrong date. The first one happened 2021
I think the floods are in compotishon with other floods ? battling to see who is the strongest ??