Compilation of total idiots on the road by bad drivers – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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Ой блин, ой блять
to be honest – some cities would be a lot safer with fewer firemen. It sometimes looks like job creation for jocks who only got 6th grade
In this country even the firefighters are idiots…
Wow, these fire engine drivers are as bad as everyone else just blindly plowing into an intersection full speed assuming everyone else is going to stop.
3:56 How do you hit a moving train? ??
So, in Russia even the fire engine drivers don't need licenses or training.
Очень понравилось
The USA is 3.78 million square miles, with a population of 332,000,000
Russia is 6.612 million square miles, with a population of 144,500,000
Russia twice as big, about 1/3 of the US population…and yet they have far more accidents there than we have here.
In about 95% of these clips, the fire engine driver was at fault lol. What a crap service.
Rammstein – Benzin part 2 😀
watching the russian fire units is like a real life version of the benzin video from rammstein
The safest place in Russia to live must be deep in the Siberian wilderness where roads are yet to reach. The mosquitoes only drink blood, not spill it.
I can’t fathom that there are that many “accidents” between fire trucks with lights and sirens on and cars. Total disregard for the safety of each other and wherever the fireman are trying to get to. Possibly the difference between life and death.
С поездом вообще жесть!
They actually had the sirens going in most of these. I'm impressed! I mean, they were still running through reds without slowing down to give people time to react or blaring the horn as they came through intersections, you know, the stuff emergency vehicles are supposed to do, but still. Sirens!
С пожарной машиной это жесть конечно(
Идиоты ппц.
Many Russian drivers think that where I'm driving, nobody else has to drive. Often the music in the car is so loud that you cannot hear the sirens of the fire brigade or ambulance. Многие российские водители думают, что там, где я еду, никому не надо ехать. Часто музыка в машине настолько громкая, что не слышно сирен пожарной части или скорой помощи.
That is what you get when you let Communists gulag all your best people.
0:42 такого оргазма Саша жене никогда не доставлял
These huge red and badly controlled russian fire trucks look like nightmares from hell.
I would say firetruck drivers not trained. Here when firetruck enters crossroads he pretty much slows to a stop then accelerates thru intersection that way if u do have a car not stopping the speed of ft is less.
Why doesn't these firefighters stop at red lights and make sure the way is clear BEFORE proceeding?!
What happened to pulling over and stopping when approached by emergency vehicles??
Do these Firetruck drivers actually pass a driving test. Most of the time you could barely hear them and it looked like a few didn't even have their lights on.
I'd bet if I was burning to death these guys would aim the hose 2 feet to the left of me.
I always thought that firemen saved lives…at least that's how it works here. It just seems that because these "firemen" have permission to drive fast, they do, with no regard for anyones safety. I'm embarrassed for them.
The man on the crossing was like zero forks ? given. He just waved thanx
4:00-Hey, Alexei, jump on the train.It will get us there faster!
-Great idea, Boris!Hold on!
Ah, Eastern Europe and USA; without them YouTube would have at most half the poor driving content it has now.
Do these demented dickwarts not understand emergency vehicle stop let it thrugh not fikin race it jerkoffs too busy getting pissed or monkey spanking
So.. you hear the police / firefighters / ambulance siren, and you just continue to drive, you do not stop, make way, .. no.. you are the king of the road, you do not stop for anything…..
Awesome compilation!
Anybody know the song at 1:54 Shazam isn't working for it.
The response of the driver where did he come from
Stupid can't u hear see pay attention slow down
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