Wanted to upload this before 2021, but unfortunately wasn’t able to. It’s a little late, but better late than never. Some of the clips are in kind of bad quality, that is because I used a bad YouTube video downloader. My apologies, I’ll try to find a better one for the future. But other than that, I hope the video can still be enjoyed.
My list for the Top 15 Natural Disasters of 2020 are:
1. Australian bushfires
2. 2020 Aegean Sea earthquake & tsunami
3. 2020 Taal Volcano eruption
4. 2020 Western United States wildfire season
5. Hurricane Laura
6. 2020 Kyushu floods
7. Hurricane Eta
8. Typhoon Vamco
9. Typhoon Goni (2020)
10. 2020 China floods
11. 2020 Easter Tornado Outbreak
12. Putnam County–Cookeville, Tennessee tornado
13. Cyclone Amphan
14. 2020 Hyderabad floods
15. 2020 Assam floods
The list is based on the disaster’s overall impact, and is not based just off of deaths, damages, or how big the disaster was. Feel free to comment what you think should have been on the list, or what should have been closer to the top and what should have been closer to the bottom.
Hopefully we do not face another year similar to 2020, but at this point who really knows.
#2020 #2020sucks #2021
Time Stamps:
0:20 – 2:48 #15 Assam, India Floods
2:51 – 4:54 #14 Hyderabad, India Floods
4:57 – 7:14 #13 Cyclone Amphan
7:17 – 9:04 #12 EF-4 Tornado in Putnam County, Tennessee
9:07 – 13:03 #11 Easter Tornado Outbreak
13:06 – 16:50 #10 Southern China Floods
16:54 – 20:21 #9 Typhoon Goni (Rolly)
20:24 – 22:59 #8 Typhoon Vamco (Ulysses)
23:02 – 27:06 #7 Hurricane Eta
27:10 – 29:37 #6 2020 Kyushu, Japan Floods
29:40 – 33:24 #5 Hurricane Laura
33:27 – 36:44 #4 West Coast Wildfires
36:48 – 39:22 #3 Taal Volcano Eruption
39:26 – 43:29 #2 M7.0 Earthquake & Tsunami
43:32 – 48:09 #1 2019 to 2020 Australian Bushfires
WOW! this is crazy
American houses… Good with earthquakes and terrible with tornados. Zero structural integrity. Floods on the other hand, don't care how strong your house is. Just don't build where it may flood.
Did anyone notice that foot at 12:52???
See the foot under the debris of the brick house?
Nature doing nature things. And so many unfortunate people and animals get caught in the middle of it.
Be prepared for the next disaster. Stay strong people.
My favorites were:
9:21 "Be Cool."
10:21 "I just told y'all motherfuckers not to go down that damn road!"
Best information about what happened, the disastrous deathtoll and the astronomical damage. Thank you brother. Got bless those people, God bless us all
Grat job. I’m subscribing.
Plus corona imagine how many people died in india??
U missed mumbai, india. We witnessed 350+ mm rainfall in just 3 hours with catagory 1 cyclone winds.
The Aussie one hits home so hard. Growing up I barely survived a few MILD bushfires.
Did the the koala that was saved, survive ?
5:54 Roof was like, "I never really liked this building anyway".
Evacuate from flooded. Save yourself and family. Do not bother saving your property. Life first. Stay safe.
Horror ???
Tantas vidas perdidas e sofridas?
Deus tenha piedade dos seres humanos, perdoe meu pai todo poderoso ??
A natureza sofre junto ? pelo os erros dos seres humanos ?
Only a few minutes in and from what it looks like you don't want to go to or live in India
To name a few…
Nice footage,not gonna lie
Quite late but Taal still haunts me today. Everyday I seem to have a feeling that it would erupt again, even though that would barely happen today. I feel like I developed some kind of trauma.
I experienced 2. disaster, earthquake.
Where is viet nam bro
Fuckin peaches
É uma variações de casos assustadores que com um celular nas mãos hoje pode-se filmar até Ets almoçando na esquina!
I know the west coast got most of the press but here in CO the mountains were completely black on the Front Range from Denver to the Wyoming border. The fires were just immense. At one point I knew 5 ppl living in evac zones. It felt like living in nuclear winter and the craziest, saddest, scariest thing I’ve ever seen, especially as someone who spent her childhood in the mtns. Ugh… awful. Thx for keeping us paying attention. It’s hard but we’ve got to.
There’s a storm in Hawaii Maui Oahu in today
The weather was scary last year.
Love how he put #2020sucks
I knew it !!!!! I reckon this is gonna get 10 million + views in coming months !!!!!!!! ???Thank you DC
Commendable effort and a powerful project on 2020 disasters. I am an avid supporter of Australia and it’s iconic animal, the koala, and followed closely in 2020 when Lewis the koala was rescued by that brave lady who took her shirt off to cover him. Up to 4 billion animals and birds of all types were lost in that disaster which certainly deserves its position as #1 in your list, in terms of the expanse of the burned forests and the irreparable damage to fauna and flora. I love this Channel very much, thank you!
Peaches really should get the hell on tho. Besides that great vid DC love seeing your style and editing evolve.
Hearing those koala screams from a normally silent animal species was awful. Humans need to take care of the planet and the biosphere, not rip it apart and pollute. Zomg.
The only thing more insane than these disasters is the amount of footage you must go through to put these together. I'm kidding, of course. But thank you again for all your hard work. RIP Oreo.
PS The koala killed me. It crushes me when I see animals suffer. Not complaining, just saying.
2020 flood at VN ?
Where's the link of 39:19? Thanks. 🙂
You have made a good video of 2020 disasters. Congratulations I always love you.
1:03 i shouldn't laugh but cmon now lol
Por suerte el 2020 no hubo muchos terremotos ?
getting tired of seeing so many people suffering in those poor countries while the rich countries do nothing.
at least those behind The Gender Reveal Disaster can say there were worse things that happened
your doing really good with the content and information with detailed slid show of provenances and states you really aare taking off here keep it up man