This earth is filled with wonderful and bizarre occurrences that we are often left unable to explain. With so many of these events being very rare we are often left without any ability to experience these natural events. From The starling flocks phenomena to Pele’s hair, here are 15 Craziest Natural Phenomena Recorded On Camera.
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just like how schools of fish do in the water
4:14 Natural gas has no odor in nature. Gas companies add a noticeable smell to it so people get out of the house in the event of a gas leak rather than dying in a sudden fiery explosion.
Why wouldn't u find out why th e starlings fly that why before u made th e vidio
@15:11 This is not real and not an actual forest that is full of bioluminescence. Here, many things in the wild have been digitally projection-mapped and enhanced. http://projection-mapping.org/bioluminescent-forest/
I saw A TORNADA TODAY but my family died so i went to the adoption center today?
Oh my GOD!So scary
Myanmar phenomenon ring blade
I've seen dust and sand storms in Death Valley, they're amazing, but don't drive in them, they'll sand the paint off of your car and pit your windshield.
Many years ago I was walking by this area of field like plants, and there was a large group of monarch butterflies! So beautiful sight!
mercaptan is added to natural gas to make it smell like rotten eggs so your wrong on #13 ,I thought everyone knew that ,well except you
I really like this site because they have interesting stuff, but the narrator’s voice is irritating.
Who are all the ones crying wolf about the weather?
The volcano hair could be what some people have thought was alien matter.
Cover SAI
So there's a thing people do that is although not completely natural its interesting none the less.
Idk what it is for but they plant a certain thing in a dark room (again unsure what it is thier planting) and put a single source of light in the middle on the ceiling, in doing so it causes them to grow so fast that you can hear it.
Starlings are beautiful and amazeing , they baby sit for robins , , lady fowler
Subscribe already the channel .
I always called those clouds popcorn clouds.
I would absolutely LOVE to see #11 in person! It’s so BEAUTIFUL!
Humans be like……??☠️?? While God? order Earth to RAGE ??️??️?️?️
My area had snow rolls once in my 37 year life. It was amazing. There were hundreds of thousands of them. They were around for 2 days then melted and have never seen them since.
The thumbnail looks like God scribbled in the sky
More like a genjutsu from the akatsuki’s lol
no entiendo nada xd
I new about the waves… these 15 diff things are so cool
i subed i was allmost scard
Because God ?????
Jaldon vigors teacher-dream academy-Orsem
Woooooow lovely videos ?…all those are fantastic ❤️????????⚡…. thanks for sharing with us ?
Threatening me with a bug crawling on my face will never be an effective way to get me to subscribe to a channel.
U did another video and watched the 1st story last night
But I like insects
The "bioluminesant forest" isn't real.. some guys used a projector to cast the images. Theres a whole video on it here on YouTube.
The starlings flock like that to feast on the summer insects before they migrate
I enjoy your channel and get great information about oddities. BUT, I find the frequency of “commercials” to be excessive and I give up trying to just ignore them. I surrender. Good luck in future.
Hey @the finest, would be a better and more thorough program if you mentioned the locations of said phenomenon.
1:02…i live near a rspb reserve and have seen this amazing phenomenon a few times but I have watched UFO/ET vids and I swear this was on it with a big debate on what it was. Birds were never mentioned..??
Maybe the starlings are practicing for when there are predators?
Omg I have many pics of mammatus clouds. Some have gargoyle looking faces in them. Glad there’s a name for it.
A ‘murmuration’ is correct.
I have actually seen the first clip of birds