CUTEST Puppy Sized Chihuahua Dancing

CUTEST Puppy Sized Chihuahua Dancing
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Cutest puppy sized chihuahua Cedric is doing a fun little dance routine with his happy owner. Watch him adorably fail at few steps as he is rocking some funny dance moves just like a real professional dancing dog! He might be smaller than the owners crocs, but he sure is the biggest star of this entertaining show.

Little Cedric is knowingly the smallest dog born in Estonia and currently living in Canada. He weights around 1 kg depending on how big was his latest meal šŸ™‚ He is not only super cute, but also very smart and likes to learn new tricks. He loves sleeping on laps, cuddles and kisses and most of all he loves to make new friends!

Follow Cedric also on:
INSTAGRAM: @chihuahuacedric


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About the Author: Chihuahua Cedric


  1. So adorable! Nina is 2 months old. She knows how to seat for now. Do you have any tutorials or reference to share? I really want Nina to learn more commands. Thank you! ?

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