Compilation of total fails on the road by bad drivers – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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5:00 там фура с вазелином что ль перевернулась?
I do believe I’ll move to Russia and open a auto repair shop. Ching Ching
Russian intersection design is terrible and they don't spend enough $$ on lane paint. I know this a collection of worst cases but…seems to be a distorted sense of distance, room for error and reasonable approach speed. Under the USSR, so many fewer had cars, so they're still on a learning curve, I'm guessing, after 30 years.
What's with people in these videos stopping in the middle of road? Some of these people are going like 2 kph on the freeway, I don't get it. Not to mention how they all come to a complete stop right where the accident happens regardless of it being in an intersection, the middle lane on the freeway, or a road only big enough for one car.
I mean yes it pisses you off when people try to squeeze in, but is not letting them and having your vehicle trashed worth being an asshole?
Some of these, need a paint ball gun, in the grille. For the turn in front of you guys.
Da some China shit right there
Сколько же в мире еще водителей барано-идиотов… Аварии на каждой улице… Но самое главное, они не уменьшаются, а увеличиваются…
Is that a Ford Explorer at 6:46…
A lt of these are just rude drivers thinking they always have the rightaway…
If I lived in Russia my priority would to buy a Tank.
In Russia, you don't hit the road, the road hits you.
Laste Scene, too many Idiots on the Street!
Russia, the best Driver of the World
Brain cells must be an option over there.
Some really good saves here.
Russian drivers don't seem to look any further down the road than the front of their own vehicle, it amazes me that they don't see the accidents coming and don't properly respond when they do. Makes me want to apologize to all the Asians I've told can't drive. How many rubles to pass the drivers test I wonder?, because they have to be for sale for these idiots to have them.
Russia, Russia. Russia….
All avoidable,all..
Some of those people shouldn't be allowed in cars
7:10 Just to remind everyone, even if the road wasn't icy, driving down a highway can sometimes have hidden blind spots in the road ahead. Have you ever driven up a hill on a highway, and can't see over the top of the hill until you are right at the top of the hill? It also can happen on turns on the highway, you can't see further than 50 feet or so in front of you, until you get to the straightaway. A lot of times this can cause pile-ups, because people just assume there's nothing stopped in the road ahead of them that they can't see yet. I had this happen one time to me, and I had to slam my brakes on so hard the ABS kicked in. It was very scary cause I thought people behind me were going to hit me. Always pay attention extra carefully when your driving 70 mph into these spots on the highway. ESPECIALLY on icy and snowy slippery roads and high traffic highways.
Highway 15 Merritt Parkway from Connecticut to New York City is a perfect example. Lots of hills and sharp turns with obstructed views in some places, enough for them to limit the speed to 55, even though most people are all driving 75 mph on average. Add in high traffic, ice and snow in the mix, and it's recipe for disasters.
5:23 and thats how you not handle an accident. yes its their fault and youre frustrated but if you get out of your vehicle and try to attack the other vehicle you will end up scaring them and they will drive away because they felt like they were gonna get attacked.
What was that at 3.18?
That must have been a big truck, stopped at the last one. But, that doesn't matter to people in a hurry, and/or on their cell phones. Cruise control is nice, until people forget to actually pay attention the speed of other vehicles.
The last video was insane. So much time to slow time and no one except car with dashcam did.
That last clip. Why weren't the drivers using their brakes?
As I watch these videos, I often wonder about the cost of Russian auto insurance and whether licenses are required.
Last one playing crossy road